These were the last words that I said to myself as he walked away. It is only now that I realise that crying over spilt milk is useless. He is gone and never will he return. They told me to never throw a diamond away just because it is covered in mud, but who was I to listen?
Love to me was a game. I was blinded in proving a point that he can beg me whenever I want. I never saw his sincerity and his pure undying love. To me, when he showed affection, I got big headed, told myself that he would never leave me.

Ignored him, broke his heart, repeatedly shot spears to his pure heart. He forgave me repeatedly. No matter how hard I hurt him he forgave me. Little did I know that his love for me would also fade, as big headed as I was, I told myself, he was my slave.

It all started with calls, he started calling once a day, then weekly and eventually he stopped calling. Then visits, the same thing.

I just told myself, I don’t beg where I don’t benefit, he’ll come around.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore, my heart has had enough. I found the one who understands and appreciates me. I hope you also find the one meant for you,” he said in a message I received.
That was his last text to me. I thought it was a joke and I did not reply. I kept on telling myself, “He’ll come around.”

When he stopped caring, I started to miss his irritating calls, those endless text messages, those visits. I was too proud to admit that I was wrong, that I missed him and most importantly, that I loved him.

Months passed, and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I swallowed my pride and went to him, thinking that he would take me back without any hesitation, but I was wrong. He had moved on, he had a fiancé and a beautiful son.

I looked at her and thought to myself, it could have been me, but it was too late.

I saw him walk away.

Goodbye, my love.


Tell us: Did you ever not appreciate someone and end up losing them?