Be the moon in the earth’s universe of stars, be that one in a million who stepped in water and came out dry. Be that character that can’t be duplicated or replaced. Be the author of your own horoscope. Be the energy that everyone wants to rub shoulders with, be here, be there, be on time with nowhere to go.
Be grateful for life and to life. Be kind, be unique, be a woman that other women can trust. Be a man that other men look up to. Be adaptive to change, and be thankful to be alive during these trying times.
Be the faith that you put onto God by getting up and being active to achieving your life’s desires. Be a teacher and a student all in one by always being a cup half full. Be careful who you trust, not all humans want great things for you.
Be the first in the office and the last to leave. Be the strength of a hundred men and the warmth of a mother’s touch. Be in the moment for it doesn’t happen twice. Be an unpredictable open book. Be loyal to those who remember your existence in this world. Be active physically and put your phone down often. Be not ignorant nor arrogant, it’s unattractive. Be a son, a brother, a sister, a boyfriend and or a girlfriend that people can brag about. BE YOU!
Tell us: What do you want to BE?