Aza was a Zimbabwean girl. Her father passed away and left her a lot of money and a shop.

Aza now had to run the whole shop and she was only 30 years old. With a life full of duties and responsibilities she had to focus on her career and the business.

One day she received a message from her lecturer stating that they would be going on a seven-day outing that would be part of their exams. She thought to herself, โ€œHow am I going to do the work of the shop and focus on my studies?!โ€

Aza had a meeting with all the businessmen and women and stated that they needed a temporary CEO to run things while she was gone. Everybody resisted and she had only two choices: forfeit the outing and fail her class or leave the shop and continue with her classes.

Two days before the outing she had to make a decision; if she left the shop it would be chaos, and if she stayed by the shop and left school, she wouldnโ€™t be able to complete her studies.

The last day came and she made her decision that she would sell the shop, but still have 50% of the profit of the shop. Everybody was shocked, and it was done.

Aza went on the outing, came back, and thought about what she did, but she never looked back again.


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