My matric ball
12 months ago
The matric dance was a chance for me to make beautiful memories. It's something I will take with me to University or College. It's something I can use to remember my friends, my classmates and my school. At first I was really nervous when I thought about the matric ball. I've never worn a formal…
Tiktok slang for 2023
2 years ago
What makes TikTok aka the clock app unique? It has to be the sense of familiarity as it recognises the smallest of things that we do daily, from skincare to chores or even mannerisms.  TikTok can be both general, but can also be quite niche, which helps people not feel like outsiders or weird for…
Is flirting cheating?
2 years ago
Imagine being on Instagram and seeing a certain post that your partner liked and commented on. The comment is something along the lines of  ‘Beautiful (heart emoji)’. You confront your partner and they don't see anything wrong with what they did, to them it was just harmless flirting with a friend. Was it harmless flirting…
But What Does It Meme?
2 years ago
Have you ever been going through something, and you just didn’t know how to explain it? Then, when you’re scrolling online, you find a meme that is so wickedly funny, so *relatable* that you finally feel seen? Finding the right meme helps you confirm that other people have experienced something similar to you. It’s like…
“Let’s go all out.”
2 years ago
We arrived at Waterfront for a night of good food and amazing company. My boyfriend asked me to choose the restaurant that we’d go to that evening. I felt under so much pressure because I know I’m so indecisive, so I got a recommendation for a restaurant at Waterfront for a place called Sevruga. I…
Come with us: The Mother City Edition
2 years ago
Cape Town has so much to offer. There’s Table Mountain, the Waterfront, Robben Island, Kirstenbosch, and so much more. If you’re planning a trip to Cape Town or if you’re a local already, then there’s no better way to travel than by the City Sightseeing red buses. It was a sunny Wednesday morning; we ubered…
My ticket to freedom
2 years ago
I have always been too embarrassed and ashamed to admit this: When I see this train, I am reminded of a time when I had to forge train tickets in order to go to school. The ticket below has a QR code. So it would be impossible to forge now. Below is the what I…
Gugu’s Gogo Demands Respect
2 years ago
Soaking her sore swollen feet and enjoying a hot cup of tea was all that was on Gog’ Vatiswa’s mind as she sat in the Venture taxi. At 79 years of age, standing in a queue for most of the day to receive her Sassa grant was no fun. “This government really doesn’t care about…
Not quite singing in the rain
2 years ago
It was a breezy Thursday afternoon at Oriel Park when some pals and I decided to disperse and head home before the heavily pregnant clouds above us gave birth to much-needed rain. Not convinced that I would get drenched on the way home, I walked up towards Van Buuren Road with no particular sense of…
Gugu’s Taxi Ride
3 years ago
It was an uncharacteristically chilly summer morning in Orange Farm when Gugu, a full figured beauty, was about to climb into a Quantum on her way to Jozi Maboneng. At this time of the morning most of her fellow passengers were familiar to her, except for the two gents who rudely pushed past her to…