Am I going to die? It is too early for me to die
When I found out I got infected
My life stopped for a moment and I was in another part of the world
That part of the world is difficult to give a description of it
I congested living for a while
Not a death penalty
She kept telling me that this was not a death penalty
I heard everything she was saying but never took it to consideration
The room became too small and I felt like I was being suffocated
The only thing that was popping in my mind was the people who died because of this disease
I thought of Nkosi Johnson and I knew I was not going to make it
Why HIV/AIDS? Didn’t you get enough of our brothers and sisters?
God do you really hate me that much that you would let me be infected
After coming to my senses, maybe He wants to use me to warn others about this pandemic disease
Not a death penalty
She was right; this is not a death penalty
Anyway we all going to die at some point
And I do not blame anyone for being HIV positive
I know I will live many more years if and only if I take my medicine regularly
And HIV is not an obstacle between me and my success