I was on my way to the fair with some friends.We met some people there,I had an off feeling about them the moment we met ,but I decided to brushed that feeling off because I didn’t want to be a party pooper

What started as a fun game ended in horror.They started killing my friends one by one.I was in complete horror when he pieced the machete through my sister’s stomach,seeing her lifeless body lying there made me not wanna die at that moment.

I got up,picked up all my courage I had left in me and started to run,as I was running they after me with a blood drenched machete, as I was running I saw a abandoned barn and went in it.I hide myself with the animals,but as I turned around he was standing right behind me with the same machete he killed my sister with.

Just as the machete was piecing through my flesh, I heard a buzz sound I opened my eyes it was morning, just me realizing it was just a dream