He pulls up in a small restaurant just down town. We both walk in the cozy restaurant just like always he orders himself an English breakfast and as for me I choose bacon with toast and eggs.

“I must say you like your English breakfast.”

He shrugs “It fills me up nicely.”

I nod as I twist the pepper shaker on the table, Senzo looks at me not once removing his eyes.

Since we arrived here his eyes had not wondered not even for a second, they kept focusing at me.

“You stay with who at Midrand?”

“Alone.” He looks at me knowing that I am fishing for some information. “I’m not seeing someone.” He says as if he is saving me the trouble of asking.

I nod and thank the waitress for the food, and that explains why he has not had one home cooked meal in years.

“Why?” I ask after he had taken a bite of his food.

“I have no time for relationships.” He says. But he has time to go to the café everyday and accompany me home, that does not seem like a busy person.

“Are you seeing someone?” He asks and looks at me as he drinks his coffee. It is like he already knows the answer to that but yet he still asked.

I shake my head “I have been single for a while now because I had gotten out of a bad relationship and I didn’t have the energy to start another relationship.” and I am over explaining myself, what is wrong with me I wonder to myself.

Senzo keeps quiet for a long tine as if he hadn’t expected me to be so upfront.

“And now are you ready for a relationship?”

“I don’t know.” and that is honest truth, I am not sure if I want to start another relationship but that wouldn’t be such a bad idea.