I am from a place where growth
Is not an option
It is only fiction and so
You remain in one place
A place where they will love you
And laugh with you
So long as you are nothing
Where witchcraft comes into play dare you try and become something
I’m from a place where you dread to pass the corner
Afraid of the negative and degrading comments from boys gathered for the sole purpose
of tormenting girls passing by
I am from a place filled
with possibilities and probabilities
Yet it is pointless because everyone is mindless
A place where marriage is an accomplishment as a young woman
A place where being 27 with two fatherless children is normal and so I’m right on track
A place where most girls have their first child before completing matric.
And if you don’t complete
Your matric really it’s not a big deal
I’m from a place where
A 12 year old can twerk
And that is a perk
A place where clubs are filled with teenagers
majority under 18
Who can dance the night away
But fail to construct a single
English sentence
A place where you can find out about the latest songs
and learn the latest dance moves from five-year-olds who cannot count up to five