“A woman should walk by this time.”

“Sir please don’t hurt me.”

“No we are not going to hurt you.”

“I can’t live like this anymore. Please help me! My life has been so difficult.”

“Mthunzi! You don’t recognize this girl.”

“Shhh!!Thuli it’s me Mthunzi. I came here to fetch you at your home but I did not see you.”

“Mthunzi I’m glad you are still alive.” I cried.

“Thuli, you are bleeding.”

“Let’s take her to the hospital.”

They took me into their car. Mthunzi met his friend at Joburg. I thought he would not come for me but he came.

Kelvin was driving at a high speed. He knew that life was very important than luxury life.

Mthunzi was comforting from crying. He was my roof, my protector and my shield. He loved me like I was the only girl on earth.

When we arrived in the hospital. They took me to the ward where three patients were inside.

The hospital did not have required things like any other. A pregnant woman was crying because of the labour pains.

The nurses all over the place.

I took a deep sleep while the doctor was doing a check up.

In the morning, I woke up so happy because I had finally saw my lover.

The entered the room carrying delicious food. I was able to eat a lot.

“The doctor told us that you lost too much blood.” Kelvin said.

“Yes I did but I can’t go back to that life.”

Mthunzi replied, “You are not going back to hell so we are taking you to Joburg.”

“I called the police and they are going to take criminals to jail.” Kelvin added.

“Don’t cry Thuli, you deserve better than this.”

“Mthunzi but they are my parents.”

“No need to judge but you suffered because of them. They need to rot in jail and also this pervert king.”

“Thank you for everything Mthunzi.”

“I love you Thuli no matter what happens.”

“Me too.”