Mzi laughed his ass off like some wild hyena when I told him what happened. “You better have a condom handy, just in case he comes after you”, he jeered.
“Not that kind of eating, you idiot!” I retorted “This guy threatened to eat me!”
Mzi had tears in his eyes from the laughing fit he had. He composed himself and sighed, “You need to calm down, dude. You’ve been watching too many of these horror movie slashers. You’re even starting to see things”.
His statement did not reassure me in the least bit, “Mzi, if you were there you’d see how freaky this guy was. This guy had murderous eyes. He’s out for…”
I was suddenly interrupted by the lights going off.
“Bloody Eskom!,” cursed Mzi in the now suddenly dark room. “Why the hell are we still paying our electricity bill if we barely receive any power?”
“Wait a minute”, I said, looking through our window. I noticed the outside lights from across the street were still shining brightly, “I think we’re the only ones with a blackout problem”.
“You reckon the problem is in our electricity box?”, Mzi asked.
“Yeah, probably”. I reached into my pockets to pull out my phone and turned on its flashlight. “Maybe one of the switches had a fault. I’ll go check it out”. With that, I headed for the door to check the box outside.
I shivered as I stepped out, the cold air blowing directly at me. I could feel goosebumps sprouting out of my arms. I walked to the back of the house and opened the box. Sure enough, one of the switches had gone off. I sniffed the box, inspecting it for any burning wires. It was a weird habit that I had developed in my younger years, staying in the township with faulty electrical components. Finding no trace of damage, I flicked the switch back on. I felt it strange that the switch would go off on its own.
When I opened the door, I was met with a sickening scene. Mzi lay on the carpet in two. His eyes were popping out, and his mouth hung open like a trap door on his decapitated head. His limp body was at the kitchen door, squirting blood like something was pumping it out.
Seeing the gruesome scene, my stomach churned, and I felt like I wanted to vomit. I began to feel lightheaded and dizzy. Who could’ve done this gruesome act, I asked myself. My hands were shaking, as I desperately tried to dial the emergency services. As my call was connecting, I felt the need to step outside.
As I stepped out of the apartment, I felt a sharp pain behind me, as if a blade was being thrust from the back. The pain and shock, caused me to instantly drop my phone. Blood cascaded down and stained the carpet. The blade was quickly pulled out. Then, just as my phone fell, I saw myself crumpling on the floor with a thud. My throat gurgled with each deep breath I took.