Long time there was a young girl who called Charlotte,she lives with her grandmother, one day she was coming from shop she finds out that her grandmother collapse .

her grandmother finds her self in hospital asked why am doing here the doctors tell him that she had collapse she was very shocked 😲. the doctor tell her that she had cancer and they have to paying so she could get healed

The girl was outside the door crying she remembered that they are very poor they can’t afford medication.the doctors the girl’s grandmother that she has two day to die that was very painful to hear πŸ’” 😒. the was a man who was passing by she sees the girl crying ,he asked her why are you crying the girl say ,asking me won’t help .the man keeps asking the girl antil she finds out what’s going on the man go live the girl there

another day the girl was sitting with her friends she get a call coming from hospital she didn’t answer it.the time she was in the taxi she did sit properly he thinks that her granny died .Charlotte went by the door she sees granny awake and waiting for him.she asked her doctor who paid for her medication they say thanks to the man, Charlotte said what man.the man said do you remember me the girl cried very badly .at that time her grandmother get discharged that’s the end of the story ο»Ώ