Wow imagine me dating a kid. What a mockery! “7 minutes left!” Did this cute envigilator have to tell ? I finish double checking my English Paper 1 sript and submit. I just can’t believe that 2 Physical Sciences papers are left to be written, then I’ll be done for Term 2 examinations. This was a morning paper hence they will open the gate at 12h00. “Can we kindly please go study for these two bloody exam papers we will be writing tomorrow and Monday? Pleeeeaase!”

Mr Msimango always causes chaos whenever he appears. His bass is the one you would come to school for and laugh at it. “Hey, Peterson!” He can’t take me out of his mind. I am dying being the known student to the teachers. Always my surname. “Sir it’s Penelope. Please don’t call me by my surname sir” I finally took out my thoughts. “Hhayi, kuyafana, it’s the same thing. Please Peterson go study for this Physics paper cause I want you to score the highest and make me proud okay?” “Yes sir” as I salute him like one of those colonels. Well he would fit in the army cause he is really tall and dark except for the knock knees.

Finally I ate and it was time to log out of school. On my way, near a ‘ninety kilometer away from school primary’, I notice that a group of Blue LV high are following me and Dimples, a grade 8 from my transport and from my school.

“Chommie! Mzala, somebody is eyeing at you” says Dimples waving her hand in front of my face tp catch my attention. “Dimples, are you okay? Cause you know I don’t face boys” with an uninterested look. ” Lord, please help me ace these exams. I’m just looking foward to my future as I do what I love. Am…” “Mzala he is still looking at you?”

Wait what? Is that… the guy from church? “Mthobisi!” That’s what I manage to whisper. I run to him, not with the intention to hug him but just express how happy I am to see him. Without noticing he extended for a hug and I didn’t resist. And that’s where I broke my rule of not looking at boys or even dating.


Tell us: What are your church experiences?