The rest of the school day passes after decades of me waiting for after-school. Well… not all has ended, while I have to wait for the transport. My transport driver is… arghh, he told me he will be her by 14h30 as I knock off at 14h40. A ten minutes wait. “Penny your transport left immediately when the school bell rang” said Nolitha, a Xhosa grade 8 whom I know from Matildah’s transport. “Thank you.”
Really! Also this time he left me. That too to wait for that chubby girl from Pace high, a school about ten minutes away from my school if you are walking. To wait for 20 minutes. Yes, they knock off at 15h00. After a long wait, at 15h35 exactly, there comes this small headed driver. I pretend to smile.
I know mom has not paid for this whole term, with a few weeks left of examinations, but he has been my transport driver since grade 1 AND THIS IS GRADE 10! He will never change. Before I puke in this car, I am dropped at the corner of my street. Right in front of the so called LOOKYLAND TARVEN.
To be frank, I hate finding guests everday at home, always to discuss what happened on Sunday. Same thing from Monday to Saturday, and decide whether they will be going to church or not. “Sanibonani bantu abadala.” I hate greeting but then I am compelled beacuse of the old norms “If you don’t greet the elders at home, I will kick you out of my damn house, get it? Disrespectful, silly girl!” My grandma always warns. She talks a lot. Xhosa’s speciality. ” Yebo!” They all exclaim at the same time, making a melody altogether. I only wish they could sing like this even in church and stop gossiping.
“Ey Penny, you know, I have a new song I need to teach you. Come outside” my uncle Zain says with a big pricking smile. I know how I love learning new zion church songs and the sound of my voice with Baba’s and uncle Zain’s voice… its a total bomb. Our singing always gives me goosebumps. Although I don’t feel like singing, I manage to agree with a small groan in my mind. We then sing two whole new songs and re-practice the ones I know as the first part singer at church. “Do remember these songs at church, stop leaning on the wall and sing man. Don’t allow those old grannies to take over your part” says Baba with a nice grin of rotten teeth.
He always drinks tea. Ever since he was a toddler till like 50 something years more. The gaps and the teeth form a pattern. Gap, teeth, gap, teeth, gap, teeth and so on.. I wonder how he chews meat. We finish up. Thursdays are the boring days of my life. “Penny! Clear the table and wash these tea cups!” This granny, whom I also call mom, married to Baba, is a total headache. I am already tired, with tons of homework, with supper dishes to wash at night, yet I have to worry about the tea cups left by her… HER GUESTS, I feel tears breaking out and my nostrils getting blocked.
The night goes by with thoughts of not going to school tomorrow, but then I think of Math, and decide to go. I AM SOOO TIRED.
Tell us: Do you hate guests? What do you hate doing for the guests?