As the English period commences, I certainly feel uneasy. Rorisang (another shortie) and her group sit in their regular corner, feasting on the latest gossip of who turned gay at the last minute, tiktok challenges and who is dating who. Matilda and Zama on the other side sit nearer to the teacher’s table, watching the last episode of their all time favourite indian show ‘Naggin’.

The rest are staring at their phones. I GET IRRITATED!! Many of them should be using this as an opportunity to get help on Physics or… something. As I’m about to storm out of the class, I hear a voice .”Don’t you dare think of calling any teacher please Penny!” Only to find out I’m turning around to face Lazola. Arghh does it have to be now! “What Lazola?” “Come, sit down and let’s chat.” What! Did I hear that correctly? But then I find myself sitting down to a chair next to her. “Penny can you answer these questions I’m about to ask you truthfully?” “Sure can try” as I roll my eyes without her noticing.

I sense that some of the classmates are amazed at Lazola and me sitting together, so Avile, the cute girl with small dimples, decided to come and listen to the conversation. “Have you ever dated before?” Wait, what? I mean, I’m 15 and clearly I do date. “Yes I have before” I say nodding childishly. “Yoh! It’s not visible though.” Well that’s not the first time I heard that. Let’s agree on one thing, in grade 8 I never took out my mask and then grade 9, people saw my face for the first time like fully. They obviously said I was cute whenever I removed my mask and they took it as me being shy and very innocent. But now, is not the time to play.

“Okay. How many past boyfriends do you have.” Wow that’s a big one but I manage to blurt out “three” although its not certainly true. “Have you had your first kiss yet?” Ouch. That hurts a bit but still “Yes!” Well I did have my first kiss. With uhm… my cousin, not exactly cousin but rather stepbrother.

This year (2023) on the 2nd of January and 19h46. Can’t forget it cause like it was SUPER cool. Although he was 12 and I was still 14 years old. I know, too bad but then it all started when my actual cousin, Tumi 11 years old, came back from playing with his friends along with my stepbrother, Babalwa. He found me cutting vegetables for grandma. He started giving me pecks on my mouth. TWO in fact. And went to teach Babalwa how to kiss. And boom, I too couldn’t resist though.Behind the rooms, there we were. They are to blame, not me.


Tell us: When was your first kiss? Share the experience.