Tania takes the bait and comes knocking on the door, at 18:45. I take in the sight of the man as they both walk in, holding hands. Tania is now in a beautiful glittering and short red dress, and red bottom heels. Her man is in a expensive blue suit and black shirt. He is wearing a Rolex.

“Welcome.” I say, as they lower themselves on the couches.

“David, meet Liam and Natalie. Liam and Natalie, this is my boyfriend, David.” Tania smiles, as her boyfriend and I shake hands.

The boyfriend then scoops Natalie into a hug. I almost flinch

“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” Natalie asks David.

The man hesitates, I can see happiness and fear cloud into his eyes. I wonder. Maybe he isn’t who he says he is. Tania quickly sweeps him away and excuses herself.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve seen him before.” Natalie says, thoughtfully.
“Where?” I ask her.

“I don’t remember.”

“You have to think, come on Natalie. Try harder.” I almost shake her.

“Don’t you ever raise your voice at me. I am not supposed to keep track of your wife’s boyfriend. Let me go check on my chicken.” Natalie clocks her tongue, and walks to the kitchen.

I walk over to the mini bar and pour myself brandy. I take a sip, and stare at the wedding picture of mine and Tania’s. My mom hung it up there. She is so fond of Tania, she treats her like the daughter she desperately wanted but never had. My mom suffered three miscarriages after me, so after the doctor told them that getting pregnant was risky, they stopped. Making me the only heir to the McBride mansion. Sometimes I wish I had a sister.

“Reminiscing about your wedding day?” Natalie creeps up behind me.

“No. Never.” I turn and face her.

“I don’t judge.” Natalie stares at the large picture too.

“I wasn’t.”
“You make a beautiful couple. My family told me to leave as soon as they learnt you married. Ask me why I stayed with you, even after you married someone else.” She looks up at me.

“Why?” I glance down at Natalie. 

“I am attracted to your masculine aura. Your intelligence, and the way you handle things. I don’t know if that’s love or infatuation.” Natalie sighs. “Before I met you, I was celibate. Even though I was attracted to your masculine aura, and all that, I wasn’t attracted to you, sexually. I knew I had to hold on to you, cause I liked what I saw.” Natalie says and holds my chest.

“In my heart of heart, I guess I’ve always known that. You’ve always been less affectionate.” I smile, putting my hand ontop of hers.

“Dinner is ready. Go and call your wife and her boyfriend.” Natalie walks to the kitchen.

I sigh, and watch her walk away. What a gruesome truth. When I got to Tania’s suite, I heard Tania and her boyfriend arguing. I stood by the door.

“Friend, I know this is hard. But please keep it together. I have to make Liam jealous.” Tania begged David 

“I know friend. It’s just that when I saw Natalie Turner, my mind froze. I mean, I’ve once modelled for her clothes, but I never thought I’d actually get served dinner by her! She’s my role model!” David screams, with delight.

“Keep it together.”

“I will girl, I can’t wait to brag to Tim, about Natalie. In fact let me call him.” David laughs.

“You will talk to yohr boyfriend later. For now, you’re my man.” Tania giggles.

That’s where Natalie must know him from. He was one of her gay models, that’s why she said he looks familiar. She can’t recognize him now, as he’s disguised so masculine.

I knock on the door, ” Dinner is served.”

“Coming!” Tania shouts.