Waking up in Tania’s arms is something I’ve never dreamt of. She feels safe, secured, she feels like home. I look up at her, she is now holding a book as I wake up, while her left hand gently plays with my hair. She is focused, her eyebrows furrowed. She suddenly looks like the most beautiful woman on earth. I take a picture with my mind’s eye.
When she realizes I’ve woken up, she looks down at me and smiles, then puts the novel away.
“Finally you’ve woken up.”she whispers.
“I’ve never slept like this in my whole adult life.” I confess.
“You’ve never been given your whole life in two hours.”she replies.
“Confident much?” I laugh.
“Too much. I’m a jack of all trades.”she praises herself.
“I can’t deny that.” I close my eyes, and snuggle closer to her.
My cellphone suddenly rings in my pocket, and I make a dive for it. When I look at the screen, it is written in big words, “My love.”
Tania spots the name flashed on my screen, and she politely excuses herself. She slides in the shower and I can hear the water running.
“Natalie.” I answer.
“Hey love.” Natalie answers, with her sweet voice.
“How are you?”
“I am okay. I need a tiny favor.”she states.
“Fetch me at the airport.”she laughs
“Suprise! I’ve just landed, baby. You told me last night that your parents were away. So I took the liberty of using my jet to good use. I wanted to suprise you.”she explains.
“My God.” I slip into my clothes and run out of the house.
As I arrive at the airport I spot Natalie. Her hair has gotten blonder. She is in a white vest, a black leather tight, huge black stilletoes, and a black blouse thrown on top. She looks beautifully toned. She is pushing two huge suitcases. When she spots me, she strides towards me, wearing a big smile.
“Hey big boy.”she kisses me.
“Hey baby.” I kiss her back.
“Have you been a good boy?”she throws her head back, and smiles.
I don’t know how to answer this one, so I just nod.
“I know you have been. You’re one of the most patient men I know. You’re most loyal. Despite you being married, of course.”she adds.
“Lets get you to your apartment.” I say.
“What? No! I’ve always wanted to spend a night at the McBride mansion. Your parents aren’t there, right? I’ll spend the night. I’ll leave tomorrow morning.”she argues.
“But…but..my wife is there.” I stutter.
“Your wife? You never regard her as your wife. You were forced to marry her.” She reminds me.
“Its the same thing. Tania will be there. I can’t bring you over. It won’t sit well with her.”
“Since when do you care about that girl’s feelings?”she asks.
“I don’t care. I just have a heart.”
“Whatever. I’m spending the night at your mansion, Liam. Tell me if there’s a problem.”
“No. There is no problem.”
“And when will you divorce her, finally?”she asks as we get in the car.
“Two more years.” I state.
“I’m not getting any younger. I want to settle down and start a family.”she says
“I know. Me too.”