Liya a 22 year old girl and her twin brother are very passionate dancers . They got a sister which is eight years old. The university where they were at said that Liam and Liya were to good for them and that they needed to go to a higher institution. Let’s just fill you in on their past, at 18 years old, Liya had a bad incident which took place. Liya was with her little sister Amy, she was brutally shot on her arm and leg, with her 4 year old sister at hand. The sister was unharmed whereas she wasn’t. She was going to meet up with her boyfriend, Sean, at the mall for lunch.
He came after hearing that she was shot, he took the child from the floor and called the ambulance. He tried to calm Amy down as Liya was unconscious but she wouldn’t stop crying as she was shouting out at Liya. “NANA, NANA” is what she was crying out. Liya was in the hospital for at least 5-6 months in coma as she was in trauma. After she woke up, she was send to therapy and self defense classes by her parents and the strangest thing is Sean hasn’t visited all this time.
Liya and her family are not from earth, they are all came from the planet named Zeon. The planet got blown up by their enemies which is why the king and queen gave their children Liam and Liya to Maddie and Andrew as they were really close to the two, the royal family trusted that they will do their atmost best to look after them as their own. Oh I’m sorry I forgot to say they are the heir to the throne so they must be kept safe for the honour of the last standing royal blood. 3 years later Liya’s boyfriend, Sean, dies while on his way to meet Liya as he didn’t see her in 3 years. He was on his way to surprise Liya as she was finally done with the training.
Yah I know three years is a lot but it was for her own safety. Shaun dies in a terrible accident because he was so in a hurry and excited to meet Liya he had this terrible accident, but for some reason there wasn’t any body found of him since there was a blast we maybe thought he got burnt to death, so after the funeral Liya asked her parents if she could take the offer she and Liam got to go to the University of Reese.
“Liam what’s taking you so long come we have to go, the taxi will be full very soon. Even Amy is finished before you”,I shout out to Liam as we pack our stuff, I even pack his so when he comes down we could just go I know anyways he doesn’t like to eat in the morning so off we go. He heds down quickly so we could lleace, we say our goodbyes and leave. “See you at school mom, bring me something to eat yah”, Amy shouts to mom.
Today Amy’s school is going on a trip and so is mine. We get in the taxi, Liam sits at the back with his earphones on and Amy sits with me, next to me is a very handsome fellow who kinda looks like my age. Mmm he sure is hot, I am woken up of my day dreaming by a pinch. ” The driver is asking for the fee, stop day dreaming sis’ and I’m happy to see you smile again, I really missed it”, little miss know it all whispers in my ear, I hand over the money ,I have never been the same when the incident happened,I haven’t smiled for a while that is why she is so happy for me. As she still remembers the day when I was shot and the day I lost Sean she has been there for me as if she was older.
“Thank you driver” he says with a deep voice and then he holds my hand for some reason and hands me something and he then winks at me and I blush and he heds out before I could even say much. I open the page and this is what it says says “we will meet soon xoxo luv Brain” and with his number on it I smile the brightest smile that I ever smiled in a long time and I feel good, this is unbelievable I’m blushng for a stranger. ” It’s good to see you smile again sis’ “, I hear a voice saying, it’s my brother somehow we are the only ones left in the taxi. I smile at him and a tear roles down my cheeks as I too really missed this mischievous side of me. “Thanks” I say. We get off and then drop Amy at her school off and then we hed to ours. Our class is already in, we hed in and just then the teacher follows.
“Good morning class as you know we have a few 6 months left of studying and we have more good news, we have new transferred students namely Liya and Liam White please welcome them but first I ask every new student why they moved here to this specific institution, so why did you guys move to this place and what are the reasons” We are welcomed with a warm round of applause. ” Hello everyone thank you ma’am for introducing us with such kindness uhm as miss already said my name is Liya and this is Liam my other half” I say.
“As my half said I am Liam, I am her half as she is mine, we don’t like to be called twins if you don’t mind but as halves, we come from Georgia and we live with both of our parents and a little sister Amy aged eight. Miss said we need reasons for why we switched institutions, reason being is that the university in Georgia said that we are too good for them and that we deserve a higher level of education and that is why we came here to this place, thank you” , he says, just when we were gonna go sit down someone says something. “Uhm hello miss said reasons you must atleast have two” she says.
“Maybe she lost her cat or something or maybe he got dumbed by her girlfriend” the class erupt with laughter. Liam looks to me and I break down ,I run to the toilet as I get flashbacks of the attack and the accident of Sean and that really breaks me. “Liya please come out you know I can’t come in there please, it’s the ladies room come on half please I’m here for you don’t do this sis’ “. Liam shouts from outside.