Everyman has his day and Jarrel got his day on the day that he was arrested, he was arrested for the fabrication of evidence against Tatenda, money laundering and fraud. My father was not arrested as the company was registered on Jarrel’s name and the company was shut down. Jarrel tried to reach out to Zen as he wanted to spend time with her as the father but it was too late and he was going to do time in prison. His wife divorced him and sold their house and came to stay with us his aife and son. Zen started with her job during that time and it was at that time that I found a courage to pick up the phone and called Dania, she ignored me at first but I kept on trying and trying until few weeks later we met and had lunch, I was happy to be there with her I asked for forgiveness and wanted her to trust me again and she did trust me and we decided to try this relationship thing, it was strange to me but my Dania held me by hand through it all.
On the day of the divorce to be finalised Tinashe found out that the marriage between her and my father was out of community of property, she was furious and tried to fight it but she lost and she never got any penny from my father and she packed her bags and left the house her kids remained at the house. I think the reason she agreed quickly to the divorce was because she was going to get half of everything that my father got but she was too busy planning the wedding not realizing that she’s getting married out of community of property.
Days became weeks, weeks became months and we stayed at home peacefully, Aneni and Zebediah were busy with their university stuff, Itai got out a lot with his friends, Farirai helped out Mukai in the house, Tanatswa called us every chance she got, Anakosha and Edzai with their kid came to visit us, Zen was happy at her job and she got a boyfriend and my relationship with Dania was blossoming, our parents didn’t like our relationship at first but they got used to it and they came around, everyone was happy and everything was going so well until one day I came back from work I found my step brother and stepsister sitting at the living room next to each other embraced they were crying I went to them and asked what’s wrong why are they crying, they couldn’t even talk, Mukai came in holding water bottles and I asked her what’s wrong she gave no answer and I could see in her eyes too she was crying, “will someone tell me what’s going here, Mukai?” I asked looking at them, “where is my father, someone talk” I rushed upstairs as I got no answer and Mukai followed behind me, I opened my father’s room he was not there, my aunt’s door was opened with one one, I opened Zen’s door and there my father was kneeling down and sobbing, Itai was sitting on the chair, my aunt was on the other side of the bed and that’s when I saw Zen lying on her bed “what’s happening?I asked, that’s when my aunt told me that Zen had died. I looked at the lifeless body of my sister and tears fell and I brushed her cheeks and ran my hand on her hair, she was cold and pale, everything came to a stand still. On the day Zen died she did not go to work my father told me she didn’t go to work, she was in her room the whole day and she died alone, it was too late when Mukai found her. We stayed there looking at Zen, hoping that she’s probably sleeping and she will get up and ask why is everyone doing gathering around her. Later that night they called people from the mortuary to come and fetch Zen’s body and we asked the forensics to do the autopsy.
We all stayed up that night and Anakosha with Edzai and Tanatswa with her boyfriend they came the following day, each time we told them what happened it felt surreal, people came to pay their respects and Dania with her parents also came with Titiana and all friends of Zen excluding Mufara. We held the funeral three days later, Jarrel was also accompanied by police to pay his final respect to the daughter he never got a chance of bonding with. Two weeks later Itai left the country, and everyone went back to their places. When we got the autopsy results we were all surprised, the autopsy revealed that Zen died of a broken heart, we couldn’t understand at first and they told us that Zen was crying before she died and she experienced something like a heart attack which caused her death. Something or someone must have really hurt her, it’s uncommon for a person to die due to a broken heart syndrome. It was not nice in the house for a while we were all grieving the death of dear Zen. Is there a justice for broken heart victims in this world, there’s none there is no law in this world that protect humans from heartache, I couldn’t protect Zen too she was always smiling like everything was fine but it was not, she was braking inside she was fading away right in front of us , that’s the thing with pain it’s covered deep in those smiles you come across everyday and walls had never talked that’s why you hide it perfectly from the world. I had to redirect my pain to something else I had to find someone to blame and I did it was Zen’s boyfriend, he’s the one that caused my sister’s death Zen was happy and he came along and took our sister, my mother’s daughter from us I ended up finding him I never asked any questions them moment I saw him I went right on top of him, I didn’t give him the chance to hit back after I finished beating him up I took the golf stick that was lying on the floor and hit his car windows that’s when I saw there was a girl inside the car it was Titiana, that busted was cheating on my sister with her best friend rage took over and I went inside his house and broke anything that could break. I was arrested for assault and property vandalism but my father worked his magic out and I was released, unfortunately I got suspended at work and that’s when they suggested I go see the company’s therapist. Everyone dealt with their grieve in their on way so did I, I was angry and started fights with everyone I came across and they eventually fired me at work. Dania got upset with me and I could see how this hurt her, I went to see the second therapist and that also didn’t work then I decided to go and visit my sister Anakosha with her husband I think I was okay then because I came back and Dania forgave me and suggested that I must go see a therapist if I really value our relationship, I found the third therapist but I never got inside to talk with that therapist I just dealt it with myself the way I thought it was the best.
Life went on and I asked Dania to marry me, at least those were good news for the family and we could all do with good news. I wasn’t working but I had enough savings for the wedding and to support Dania and I until I find another job. We set a date and everyone came and rejoiced with us on our wedding, it was a beautiful wedding, the wall were decorated with purple and white curtains with chairs and tables completing the look, the Soul and RNB band was playing at the right corner, white lilies and sunflowers decorated the hall. Aneni, Tanatswa,Ferirai, Mukai, Itai, Anakosha and Edzai and my father who had his grandchild on his lap were all sitting and the front row. The ceremony began, Zebediah was standing next to me he was my best man we were wearing black tux’s he wore a blue shirt and I was wearing a white shirt, Endless love a song by Luther Vandross played when Dania came in she looked like the angle that had been sent from above her parents walked beside her. The priest wedded us and everyone one cheered to the husband and wife after the ceremony we went to the reception hall and we danced to our favorite song I love you by Celine Dione. I loved that soul.