We stayed at my father’s house, Dania didn’t like the idea of the honeymoon but we did visit many places, we visited the historical meseum, went to national parks went to game reserves and there’s this place that served delicious milkshakes we went to it every chance we got, that’s was our favorite spot. Time is the enemy of a man you can never turn it back or go back and change the plans you had at that time, it was a sunny day we all got up in the house and had our breakfast at the veranda after the breakfast my wife and I we embarked on our road trip with only back packs with us.
We hit the road on a motorbike, do you know the freedom of an open road with air flipping at you, you feel alive and free like the bird you can sought the skies higher. It started to get cloudy outside then we rode until we reached a bar that’s where we stopped to rest a bit, thirty minutes later we continued with our journey, my wife was sitting on the front while I was on the back then we got on the busy road, we rode there still I held onto her, if time stood still I’d still be holding onto her unfortunately for us some driver must’ve lost control of his car because we got involved in a four collision accident, the image of my wife flying up with her helmet flying in the air still replays in my mind I got injured too I couldn’t feel my legs the left side of my body was bleeding and I had a scratch on my face I had a terrible headache everything started to spin around but I was conscious enough to see my wife lying there, she was covered with blood I couldn’t even move to help her and what kind of husband did that make me. When the emergency services arrived it was too late my wife lost a lot of blood and suffered sever injuries, they couldn’t save her neither could I. Like the bird she sought the skies higher. I was taken to the hospital and I got stitches and I was taken to my ward and slept.
When I woke up the whole family was there but I didn’t see my Dania, you see in my mind I told myself that this was all a nightmare when I woke up my wife would still be there next to me and we’ll continue on our road trip. I asked where was she but they kept on saying I should rest I’m still injured I got out of bed pushing past my family but I fell down and lost conscious, doctors were called and they put me back in my bed that’s when I was put on induced coma, I didn’t wake for two weeks my condition wasn’t improving. During those two weeks I was I’m my world with my wife I could see her, touch her, smell her and I could hear her giggles. We both existed in that world, we ran downtown to have our milkshakes and I would pick up flowers and put them in her hair, we danced to songs of our favorite artist and there were swings too we would swing and play kites for days and days we never slept we were happy I could feel her running her hand through my hair, we played catch one day and she said she was tired we went and lied down on the green grass with the sun shining on us and our favorite song playing in the background, that was the last time we were together we were holding hands and she slipped little by little until I couldn’t see her. Our story was like that of Romeo and Juliet but it ended just like that of Catherine and Heathcliff. When I woke up I was ready to go back home, we laid my beautiful wife to her last resting home.
I was hurt I was angry and this time I couldn’t blame anyone but myself, I blamed my self for my wife’s death if only we didn’t plan that road trip or maybe didn’t stop at the bar or maybe she was not supposed to sit in the front I was supposed to protect her but I failed her. One night I took my car and drove to where we were last together, I didn’t go back home the whole week nobody knew where I was the only thing I wanted was to be with my wife I stayed on the road feeding on fast food until I went back home. My family suggested I talked to someone, I went only for one day and I didn’t go back to therapy that was my fourth therapy, I moved to my fifth and sixth therapy but I’m a man I may had lost everything I lived for I couldn’t saved people I loved the most and the only thing I could save was my pride. I sought solace in alcohol, there was nothing I was living for and nobody could save me, I didn’t even care if I ate or bathed Dania was gone and I will never see her again.
I got tired of everyone telling me to move on, to let go of the grieve. Why would I let go of the grieve why would I let go of the pain that was ripping me apart because it was the only thing that connected me to Dania. My family was there for me but still I wanted my Dania back. One day Dania’s parents and I went to to Dania’s grave it was two months after her death, we placed flowers on her grave and talked to her when we were done her parents went back to the car and I stayed behind looking at the quiet grave of my wife, I cried for her for her life and for my life how was I supposed to move on with my life after that I went back to the car and we drove back they went to their house and I went home, later that night I could feel the presence of my wife she hugged me and told me she was in a better place and I should live for us the life we could have had, she was in me and I was in her. When Zebediah told me to seek therapy I hesitated at first but I remembered my wife’s last words she was in me and I was in her and here I am Justin on my seventh therapist.