If two years ago someone told me that today I would be attending therapy sessions I would have called it a bluff and laughed in their face. I’m not the kind to sit down and pour my heart out and thoughts to someone especially a stranger with glasses on.
I’ve had my fair share of therapists not because I wanted to have them but life and it’s trials led me to seek help. You see I had harboured this anger and bitterness in me until I couldn’t anymore. My first therapist was the company’s therapist I only went the first day and never went back again, then I had my second therapist it was a white man in his middle ages I just couldn’t tell a stranger my business, my third therapist was also a man and still I attended once and never went back, my fourth therapist was a young black woman I just couldn’t see myself having a conversation with her, my fifth therapist was a white woman in her early thirties she looked at me as if she was searching for something broken in me, I asked for a restroom and never went back and my sixth therapist I don’t know him or her I never got inside the room, and today I’m going to my seventh therapist it sounds exciting but not to me.
I wore long sleeves t-shirt and casual jeans with black sneakers I was with my step brother, he waited for me outside as I got in to attend my first session. The room was on sixth floor, it was bright inside with cupboard and books and two couches facing each other with the small table in the middle, on top of the table was the notebook and glasses of water.
“Good morning” I said to the man on the couch facing the door, he did not look intimidating at least he was just wearing casual and had no glasses on.
“Good morning, you must be Mr Theodore Jeyi” he regarded me,”take a sit sir”
“Yes I am” I responded back
“I’m Justin Corner, your therapist, do you want anything before we can begin” he was a white man in his early thirties and I showed him a bottle of water I was carrying and walked past him and sat on the chair that was facing the window. You could see the view of the city by just sitting here.
“What brings you here Mr Jeyi?”he asked me
“Please call me Theo” I fell like I could talk to this guy, “to talk Justin, what everyone usually does at this sessions”
“You can start whenever you ready Theo” Justin told me. I looked outside the window, everything was going on as usual and here I was talking to the man who was facing the door while I faced outside the window.