The woman took her sweet time coming to life as she stood lifeless staring at the young lady. ‘Hello!’. Preesha again trumpeted to the woman with a loud snap of her soft fingers. Quickly snapping back to life as she would hurriedly take the notes from Preesha’s hands and go through them like a poker.

‘We don’t use these here’.

Growled the woman, who went back to still life, her mouth partially shut. The young lady tossed the black card across the slippery desk to the woman who surely hadn’t seen it. Before an intervention.

‘They don’t use Rands out here’.

Intervened a faint voice just behind them. It was of a woman, a short one. Seemingly at her mid-thirties, and on her sides were two kids. A tall boy and a short tom-boyish girl. They were slightly a bit yellower and unfriendlier than the intervening woman. It was visibly evident in their bulging brown eyes that they had some ounces of black descent. Preesha felt a warm and strange pat of nostalgia as she had for the first time seen some people who were somewhat almost like her in shade and ancestry, it felt good. It was at this moment that she realised and recalled not seeing even this one person of colour ever since deaparting Loneville back at Eastman. A lot was strange. She stood perplexed, she knew she had been in for a huge surprise.

What kind of a place in the world oddly had no people of colour? Had the strangest of people even? Used an unknown currency? She surely was in some sort of a lost country or something. She just couldn’t understand. Waves of confusion crept up her exhausted wspine. Something… was wrong. The woman and kids were to lunge towards her as she would then proceed to draw out some notes from the woman’s handbag. Handing them over to the receptionist.

‘That would do for the four of us i think’.

And indeed, it did. Preesha had been rescued from her apparent demise. She was terribly lost for words.

‘Why not spend the night with us tonight, it’ll be fun.’

The woman hollered cheerfully to Preesha. She wished to perhaps say something quickly before it could be confirmed.