Well the day dragged on and on as it was friday , every learner wanted to go home,even our dedicated bookworm Zinande couldn’t wait for the bell to ring.She wanted to tell her friend all about what happened and she needed advice on what to do and how to react next time she had another encounter with Samkelo.
School bell finally rang and chaos immediately filled the room all the children rushing off the door some fixing their hair,some their uniforms and some shinning their shoes,well friday was known for the couples day.The school would come out earlier then the other days so the teenagers would have a little time to say goodbye to their lovers as they departed to the weekend.
Zinande not noticing that Samkelo was standing right beside the door waiting for her ,stood up immediately to rush off the gate as usual before anyone notices she was alone ,she had no partner for the couple’s friday.
As she was about to leave she felt a strong yet soft hand pulling her aside ,she had felt this hand before but because of the chaos and stumbling she couldn’t make out a face until she was right on Samkelo’s big and strong arms.He had grabbed her closer to let the pushing and rushing learners pass out the door.
For a moment they just stared at each other no words just there looking deep into each other’s eyes.The noisey learners pushed out of the classroom rushing off to their” partners “the room was left quiet with Zinande stuck in Samkelo’s arms.
For a moment it all felt right and good to be holded by such warm and strong arms,until she realized it was all quite embarrassing for her to be in a random boy’s arms so she stepped away.”Why ruin the moment and step away,”he said jokingly with a smile that made Zinande hot and pink.”Damn, you look so beautiful when you blushing, “Samkelo looking straight at Zinande’s eyes.
She turned her back at Samkelo with intentions to walk away,well she was actually trying to walk away before she says or does what she wasn’t supposed to do she actually had no idea what to say or do.
The confident Samkelo couldn’t let what he wanted walk away again. “NO no! beautiful this time you ain’t going no where,”he said grabbing her close to his chest again.And yet again Zinande broke the moment trying to free her self and walk away that when Samkelo kissed her and for quite a while Zinande stood there not knowing what to do ,her whole body softened, her heart beated faster her face this time turned red.While with her eyes closed her lips stuck to Samkelo’s soft lips, they were then disturbed by the sound opening the door which was accidentally closed as the learners rushed off.
Immediately she stepped away looking to find out who was entering the class to her surprise it was her favorite teacher Mrs Blossom ,whose facial expression changed form the usual smiling and friendly to annoyed and disappointed, Mrs B what other learners called her was very fond of Zinande and had been proud of her not engaging into all the dating nonsense in the school.Zinande felt so small, she felt as if she could become invisible and slip past through the door and ran all the way home.
That wasn’t possible and she knew that, quickly with her face looking down ran out of the classroom leaving Samkelo standing there on his own with no guilt at all.
Samkelo seeing that Zinande was embarrassed as the teacher entered he grabbed his bag and with no regrets they were caught. Just as he was about to pass Mrs Blossom who was looking straight at him with anger,”you better stay away from that girl boy she is not on your level,” she said blocking Samkelo’s way.
As I have said before Samkelo had all the pride and confidence and one would say a little bit of rebel in him too because Mrs Blossom’s words didn’t even shiver him or get into his head.He simply just walked away in a hurry hoping to catch up to Zinande not bother about what the teacher meant about levels and all.
Seems like Zinande has fallen for a rebel beneath her level as Mrs B thought, and the confident rebel is out to get her.