It hasn’t been 24 hours, but Senzo and Katlego are in my place with their girlfriends.
It is 7 a.m, and I am tired not to mention that my hair looks like a bird’s nest and I have not brushed my teeth, all I did was quickly put on my gown and slippers and went to welcome the guests.
Our apartment has been filled with laughter and loads of jokes as the guys talked about their olden days as to how naughty they were.
“He is different,” Rose said as she chopped the carrots, “I have never seen him that happy before.”
Caroline nodded in agreement as she sat down and looked outside on the balcony where the guys were chilling and drinking beer, “Yeah, he is much more lively.” She said with a smile.
“And we have a lot of work to do here, these guys when they eat they make sure. Now off you go and shower and come and prepare some breakfast for those idiots. Who even drinks beer early in this morning? ” Caroline said in a disapproving voice.
I shook my head with a smile displaying on my face as I left them and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and settled for some lazy clothes. I threw on my black sweatpants and my Mickey Mouse T-shirt and put on my hair in a high ponytail.
Thobane and I stole a bit if glances to each other all day, I had barely talked to him since we last woke up and all I wanted was to be in his arms and kiss him all day, but I couldn’t.
And it turns out that Rose and Caroline are actually cool people. We sat under the umbrella on the garden and left the boys to continue to make some noise, over which team of soccer had to lose.
“That kid of yours is going to be spoiled rotten, not when he or she has uncles who love cars and aunties who love to shop.” Rose said as she took a sip of her wine and put on her sunglasses.
It is already 3 p.m, and we are done cooking lunch for the guys and Caroline was not kidding when she said the guys eat a lot, and luckily we had cooked a lot of food, and after we did the dishes, and now I am exhausted.
“Don’t I know it.” I said lying back with my hand on my stomach, “I never thought I would have a kid, but this feels right you know.”
“As much as you have not planned this kid, what I know is that you guys will be amazing at this.” Caroline offered, “And I saw how he looks at you, that man is smitten, and it is all because of you.”
“Thank you.” I said fighting back tears, I don’t know why I even wanted to cry, which feels even sillier, the damn hormones.
“Oh, speak of the devil.” Rose said, giving me a knowing smile.
When I lift my head, I saw Thobane approaching making my heart skipped a beat, I wanted to run up to him and throw my hands on him, but I stayed rotted on my chair as I watched him walk over, and he looked handsome, and I know every girl would say that about their boyfriends but damn Thobane was hot without even trying.
He was wearing his T-shirt that has seen better days and a short and some puma sandals, but he still looked handsome, and I just fell for him all over again.
I stood up as he got closer and smiled, “Hi.” I said in a low voice, “Hi.” Thobane offered back as he wrapped his arms around my waist and butterflies went all over my body, not just to my stomach, “I missed you.” He said, dipping down low enough and kissed me, “I missed you too.” I said, as I deepen the kiss.”
When I looked around, Rose and Caroline were nowhere to be seen. We sat together in my chair, with me wrapped in his arms. “You had a great time?” Thobane asked, kissing me on my forehead, “Yeah.” Rose, Caroline and I had such a great time that we even agreed to meet next weekend for brunch.
“Good.” He said, rubbing the side of my arm as I laid on his chest.
I never thought it was possible to be able to love a guy with everything in me like this but here I was with the guy I never want to see what my future would look like without him because I had already experienced that and all I have to say is that I had a terrible and cold 3 years without Thobane.
I wrapped my arms around him a little tighter as the thought of losing him crossed my mind.
But I have him and that’s all that matters, and soon I will be having his child and the thought makes me even more excited about the future if that meant that Thobane will be in it with his friends and my new friends then that will be one amazing future to look forward to.
I kissed him and laid back on his chest, there is nothing else I would ever want other than this moment that we are having right now.