
Senzo takes me to his bedroom and tells me where to find the first aid kit. I am now sitting next to him on his bed with is bloody hand on my thigh.

I shake my head “That was stupid of you.” I say wiping the blood “He is your friend.”

“And you are mine.” He says “And no one will disrespect you, no one!” He says with so much finality that it is useless to argue with him so instead I wrap bandage on his fist and smile “Thanks.” I say as I place the kit down.

We both lie back on the bad with him spooning me, I close my eyes not wanting him let me go.

I even forget that there are his friends outside probably waiting for him, but this right here feels right.


When I wake up it is already dark outside and Senzo is no longer on the bed, his side of the bed is so cold that it tells me he has been out for a while.

I stand up from the bed and walk around the house and it is just that a house, there are not even one pic of him in this house.

I look at the the time it is 21:17 which confirms that I have been sleeping for way too long, as to why he never woke me up frustrates me a bit.

It’s late to go home now so I make a sandwich as soon as my stomach starts to rumble, I barely got anything to eat considering that there was that mini fight between Senzo and Katlego.

I sit down on the big couch that can fit about 10 people or even more and switch on the big flat screen tv, it is so big that it is hard to believe it is even a TV.

The door opens when I am done with my sandwich, it is now 10 p.m, He walks into the lounge he is wearing black clothes as he sits down next to me “Glad to see you made yourself at home.”

“Where were you?” I ask as I look at him. He shrugs as he looks at the tv, “The less you know the better.” he says taking the remote from the table and switch off the tv and takes my hand as he leads me to his bedroom.

He gave me his t-shirt to wear as he stripped me naked but tonight there was no sex he just held me, it was as if he needed to make sure that I am here or that he had one hell of a night and he wants nothing but to hold me. So I let him, it is this moment right here it is when he is most vulnerable as he let’s his gut down.

His soft breathing serves as a lullaby helping me to fall asleep.