
He stands up straight and look at me under his hooded eyebrows and gives me a slight smile, God what has this man done to me.

“Go and take a bath ,” He says fixing himself “We are going out.”

There is something about how he talks and how he orders ne to do things, he can make you do something without even thinking that you doing it.

I do as he said, I hop into the bathtub and let the water relax me for a second. When I am done I walk into my room and look for anything to wear, he didn’t even specify where we are going so what am I supposed to wear, so I settle for a light summer dress which is in between class and casual and low high heals and opt for no jewellery.

When I walk out he drinks me in, like it is the first time he is seeing me. He stands up from the couch which seems too small for him and walks to me like a predator walking to it’s prey.

He pins me against the wall “Or we can just stay here.” He says cupping my breast with his one hand. I hold myself from moaning as I manage to sneak out from his little trap “I didn’t dress up for nothing.”

He sighs and walks out the door, I looks outside for the red BMW but it is not there instead he walks into the latest Audi car.

During the whole ride he has been holding my hand giving me butterflies all through my stomach.

He stops at a house that is not a double story but a house that are shown from tv for being too beautiful.

“This is my house,” He says looking at me. I am speechless as he leads me inside. Although the house is jaw dropping it feels cold and empty this is no home it is just an art piece of a house.

At the front of the house I see his friends doing a braai, Katlego is the first to turn around, his face change in an instant once he lays his eyes on him and I still have no idea why he hates my guts like this.

Thobane comes by holding a beer and greets me before going inside the house and comes out with a packet of ice.

“Make yourself at home.” Senzo said before excusing himself.

And what am I supposed to do now? I stand awkwardly before going to the guys at the braai stand “Is there anything I can help you guys with?”

Katlego gives me one look before going back to turning the meet around, Thobane gives me a bit of a smile and nods “For the love of God we don’t know how to cook do you think you can make something that will go with the braai?”

“Of course.” I say way to happily to be out of Katlego’s presence and be able to keep myself busy.

So I start cooking pap, and tomato gravy because you can never go wrong with it.

Senzo walks in and the air changes, you can just feel his presence when he walks in the room. I don’t turn around from the stove to make sure that it is him within a few seconds I feel his arms on my waist “I hope they are not making you a slave because I am going to kill them.”

I turn around and place my hands on his broad shoulders “No they are not.”

“Good, do you think we can do a quicky I mean the guys won’t notice.”

“No,” I say pushing him away from me “You go keep yourself busy for a little bit.”

He laughs as he walks, I stop to realise that this is my first time hearing him laugh.

Katlego walks in right after and stops as he realise that I am still at the kitchen as he is about to turn around and leave I stop him.

“Why do you hate me?” I finally ask.