
I was on cloud nine as I started cooking, and the kiss was just as wonderful as I had imagined it.

I was not sure yet what I was getting myself into but what I know Is that every time I look at him my heart flutters.

It has been a while since I had met a guy who can make me feel like this, when was the last time I felt like this? It has been a while if I had to say so myself. I can’t remember the last time I ever cooked for a guy, it is funny how I always thought I would never be caught dead cooking for a man again but here I was cooking.

It’s weird how just one look from Senzo can make you slave away in the kitchen and this time I do not mind.

At six I was done with bathing when a slight knock came, a smile spread on my face when I saw Senzo there.

I welcomed him in and went to dish for him before sitting down next him.

“You not afraid of what you saw today?” He asks as he wipes his hands.

I shake my head, I know I should be but for some f’ed up reason I am not.

“Good.” He says brushing my hair from face, he looks at me as if he is not sure whether to kiss me or what but he ends up kissing me and soon things got heated, before I realise it I am stripped off my clothes and I am on top of my bed, I don’t know how or when we got in here just like I don’t know how he got inside me.

But soon my nails are digging in his skin and my other hand is grabbing the sheets.

When we are done he pulls me closer and makes me lie on top of his chest. “Did I hurt you?”

I shake my head no, as I listen to his heart beat. “Your friend doesn’t seem to like me.” I say after a couple of minutes of complete silence.

“Kalego? He cares deeply about the business that he does not trust any outsiders easily but he is a cool guy when you get to know him.”

I sit up straight and take a fleece and wrap myself with it but Senzo quickly takes it away from me and throws it on the floor “You are beautiful.” He says “Never hide your body from me.” He says and settle back on the pillow.

“I was hurt badly before and I don’t want you to hurt me.”

He looks me not saying a word as he waits for me to finish “If you know that you want to pass time with me please tell me now because when I fall, I fall way too hard.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be here ready to catch you.” And that is what every guy says but there is something about the way he says it that makes me believe him.