
“Morning Mrs Khumalo.” he said kissing me on the lips, yesterday we left early because Senzo had one last surprise turns out we were flying out of the country.

We found ourselves in Paris, I don’t even know how and when he planned this but I was impressed. I never planned any honeymoon because it didn’t matter if we had one or not.

“Morning Mr Khumalo.”

He held me in his arms, our bedroom looked out of the eiffel tower, I knew that this must have costed an arm and a leg but knowing him he didn’t care not as long as this would make me happy.

“Thank you.” I said “For all of this.”

He kissed my forehead “You deserve everything and I’ll make sure that I give you everything that you deserve.”

I was now married to a guy I met 4 months ago but sometimes you just know when he is the one and here I was convinced that he was my soul mate, I believe that even if he asked me to be his wife in a month I would have said yes in a heart beat that’s how gone I was.

I held on to his tight chest and smiled “I love you.” I said and I really do, it doesn’t matter that I am married to a thug because this is real love not the ones that Disney sold to us when we were kids, no. Real love is not about a prince meeting a princess and they just lived happily ever after, love is all about risks and going blindly into sticky situations because you trust the other person that they would get you out. This is what me and Senzo have now this is love.