
The day has finally came, my hands are sweating from all the damn nerves that I have. I barely slept last night my stomach kept churning, I found myself missing Senzo we have not seen each other in a week but it already feeks like an eternity.

“Your phone.” Caroline shouted as she practically ran to hand me the phone.

“Hey,” I said as I answered, there is a huge smile on my lips now all the nerves now completely gone.

“Afternoon my soon to be wife.”

“I miss you.” I said twirling the curl from my weave, damn this man still makes me feel like this 4 months later.

A lot has happened in the past 4 months that it felt it has been 4 years already. “I miss you too, we are doing this.” He said and I could swear that I heard him smile.

I nod as if he can see me “We are doing this.” He ended the phone call, I looked at Caroline who is currently looking at me like I interest her .

“It’s amazing how much he loves you.” she said, “I wish I had love like yours.”

“What about that engineering guy?”

She shrugs “Who Jason?” She rolls her eyes “The guy is basically a total opposite of me, he does not do dates he finds them tacky, he does not even make an effort I’m only with him because mom seems to like him.”

I shake my head “And what about your happiness? You deserve to be happy so screw it if mom seems to like the engineer guy she can go and date him. You can’t be miserable at the expense of other people.”

She nods and stood up “Enough about my melodrama, let’s go get you married, Senzo must be anxious by now.”


A veil was covering my face as I stepped on the aisle and everyone turned to look at me, there weren’t much people to invite other than those from the cafΓ©.

Senzo looked handsome in his all black suit, the only thing that ha colour is his white bow tie.

Katlego has my hand, I had no one to walk me down the aisle and Katlego insisted that he would walk me and do the handover, he apologised for weeks about how he treated so now he marked this day as the day he is finally going to me over to his best friend, this is his way to show me that he has accepted me.

I looked at Senzo and gave him a smile behind my veil, he looks nervous, “You look amazing.” he mouthed as we stood face to face.

He lifted up my veil because he misses looking at my face.

I barely heard what Shawn said he is the one officiating our wedding, I kept looking at Senzo who has been mouthing words to me, making me blush.

“Do you have your own vows?” Shawn asked. “Yes,” Senzo said he cleared his throat “Did I tell you how beautiful you are?” He asked looking at me under his thick eyelashes “I sometimes still ask myself how you ended up with with me. You have changed me for the better, you have shown me love that I thought never thought existed. You are my life Rosalia, you are my oxygen, you a part of me. I am convinced that without you, I will not function. You make me whole, I love you.”

I dab my tears with my hands as I smile “What a speech,” I said “where do I even begin? You came in my life when I least expected it, I don’t think I knew what love was before I met you. You have taught me so many life lessons, the ones that stand out is the one where I had to learn to love myself because I am damn beautiful and I should not listen to people. Before I met you I was so insecure, you have loved me at my worst, made me laugh when I was sad and you have just been amazing I don’t know how I lived before without you in my life.”

“I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.”

Senzo held me so tight as he kissed me ignoring the people who were praising him.