
I can’t believe he asked me quit, I replay the whole thing as I sit back on the couch. I thought I would have found him standing at the corner but he was not there.

My heart pricked a little, I had gotten so accustomed to having him walk me back to my apartment and now that he didn’t it felt like someone was ripping my heart out.

I take another scoop of ice cream and put it on my mouth “Who does he think he is?” I ask out loud as I stab the tub of ice cream with my spoon.

I sigh as I take back the ice-cream into the freezer before going back to bed as I forced myself to sleep.


I am not surprised anymore when I find Senzo on my bed.

Instead I take my phone, the first thing I see is an email from the varsity I went to. I click on the email, my mouth hang open as I see that that all off my outstanding fees have been paid.

R58 000 has been paid, I shake Senzo awake and show him the email “Did you do this?”

“Yes.” he said nonchalantly like it is no big deal “Why?”

He shrugs “Because you needed the fees to be paid and with you working on that cafΓ© it would have taken you a long time to finish.

I growl as I stomp my way to the bathroom, I am so angry right not believing that he can just do that even though I specifically told him that I don’t need any man to take care of me.

When I am done bathing I walk out all to angry to even make him something to eat.

I am surprised to find my boss having called the meeting “We were waiting for you.” He says as he clears his throat “As we all know that I have been looking for a buyer since the Cafe is not doing all too great.” We all nod and wait for him to continue “I found one, well actually he found me. The cafe has been bought.”

There are now whispers from the stuff, he clears his throat again making everyone to go quiet “You don’t have to worry about your jobs the new owner agreed to not fire anyone.”

“Who is the new owner?” Tlalane asks “Mr Khumalo.”

The door opens and he walks in wearing a suit and to be fair he should just stick his jeans he doesn’t look at me as he goes to stand near my boss, no my previous boss.

“Hi everyone.” He says in a more powerful tone “I am the new owner but I don’t want you to think things are going to change.”

Tlalane looks likehje is about to shit himself, I would have laughed if I wasn’t so mad.

His eyes go through everyone and when they reach me they stop as if to ask if I am going to challenge him even more.