
In what I thought would be a 1 day trip turned out to be a 3 day trip and still counting. Senzo has barely been in the room most of the time, he disappears at random hours whenever I ask he just tells me not to worry about it.

Even though I am enjoying my stay, I start to wonder where he goes to whenever he leaves me alone and my boss has also started calling asking me when I am coming back and I wish I can give him a definite answer but I can’t not until Senzo finish whatever he is doing here.

He walks in the room, I sit up fron the bed I barely got any sleep it is now 3 a.m and he just walked in and went straight to the shower when he comes back he is now walking naked “Did I wake you up?” He ask as he wraps his arm around me.

“No, I couldn’t sleep.”

“We are going later today.” He says kissing my shoulder “Now sleep.”


When I woke up he is still in bed with his arm still around me, I sit up and look at him as if he can feel my stare he wakes up and look at me “Why you up so early?” He ask looking at the phone “It is 6:30.”

“I want to know why are we here exactly?”

He sighs like he doesn’t understand why I am even asking “I came here for business.”

I look at him not saying a word allowing him to continue, he sits up straight “There’s a bank we want to rob here so I was here to scout the area.” He said now looking at me “Are you happy?”

I stand up from the bed now mad “So you brought me here so that you can go and scout the area? I thought you took me here just so we can be alone together but now it was just for you to scout the area.”

“Why are we even fighting?” He ask in a more calmer voice making me even more mad “Why did you even bring me here with you?”

“Because I wanted you by my side.” He said now getting heated also, he walks upto me and pushes me against the wall not too hard and before I know it he is holding my neck “I want you all the time,” He said ripping my pyjamas into shreds “It’s like I am going crazy.”

Now I am left with nothing but my underwear, now he is more gentle as he unhook my bra “I want you.” he now said in kore of a whisper.

He starts by licking my nipples then head to my throbbing clit, he looks at me and I see him lost in himself and I realise that I somehow make him weak, to lose control of himself perhaps thats why Katlego was hard with me because he saw how much Senzo gave himself to me.

He gently led me to the bed and in a blink of a moment I am now moaning his name.