This time around they contacted each other more often until they decided on meeting each other. Natasha wore black jeans with a white and pink sweater and pink tekkie. She had braids, she made a bun. She put on her lip therapy, had a last look on the mirror and left to meet her love of her life. Natasha saw Mpendulo from a distance he was wearing black jeans, dark grey tee, black and white all star. Her man was perfect, his fade was freshly done.

They hugged tightly, walked to Mpendulo’s place. He now had a place of his own, they got there talked about everything. Mpendulo told Natasha that he now knew everything, she apologised for lying to him. They forgave each other, went to a near mall to get pizza. They came back had their pizza, Natasha was too full that she unbuttoned her jeans. They shared a kiss, it led to love making, Mpendulo had no mercy to her vagina he thrusted rough and fast. Tasha enjoyed every moment of it, her moans said it all.

They got back together continued showering each other with lots of love, early April Mpendulo impregnated Natasha. Natasha felt like her world was crashing. She was now doing matric, a baby was the last thing she needed. Her parents were disappointed in her as expected, a lot took place in those months in Natasha’s life. Her boyfriend was very supportive throughout the whole situation.

Natasha wrote her final examinations with a pregnancy bump, luckily she did not have pregnancy brain. Mpendulo accompanied Natasha to her prenatal sessions, he bought her the food cravings when he could. They had a tough pregnancy journey, Natasha gave birth in the tenth month. In January Natasha gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who looked exactly like her dad.

Mpendulo was grateful that both her girls made it. He thanked her girlfriend for the precious gift she gave him, when he hold his daughter for the very first time he was teary. He loved them so much, their love nest had a new family member❀