Lethabo texted Natasha swearing at her. Natasha did not say much she took those unpleasant words as they came. She honestly did not care much about how Lethabo felt, Qaqamba also texted her asking if was it true that she was seeing Mpendulo. Qaqamba approved of their love even though she did not understand her best friend’s sudden change of heart. They continued showering each other with lots of love, Natasha did feel loved by Mpendulo same goes for Mpendulo he felt loved by her girlfriend. On winter holidays Qaqamba visited Natasha again, Natasha also told her boyfriend that she was in the neighborhood. They planned to meet, Natasha dragged Qaqamba to her meet up with her boyfriend. They were meeting in the same park they were last holidays.

They were enthusiastic to see each other again, this time Natasha hugged her boyfriend tight, the hug they shared was different from the one they shared last summer. Her boyfriend had bought her a necklace as a birthday gift, she was happy not much people bought her gifts on her birthday. Qaqamba took the couple pictures. Natasha visited her boyfriend in his home, this time she went alone.

They were in his bedroom chatting they suddenly kissed, their kiss was passionate. It led to Mpendulo undressing Natasha, when they were both naked Mpendulo reached for a protection. After putting it in on he went for Natasha’s vagina, before he could insert himself in, Natasha told him it was her first time being intimate with a male. He promised to be gentle, he inserted himself slowly into Natasha who was moaning softly responding to the slight pain she was feeling. When Mpendulo was fully in he started to thrust slowly until they both received the pleasure.

When they were done, still putting their clothes on somebody knocked on Mpendulo’s door. He opened and it was his uncle, his uncle pushed the door & saw a half naked Natasha. He scolded Mpendulo and left, Natasha was frightened. They finished off putting their clothes on, Natasha also wore Mpendulo’s t-shirt. Mpendulo walked her home.