The braai become a success but the guys might have had too much fun and too many to drink. Bonga took the risk to drive all the way to Christopher’s place in the morning to drop him off, he managed to get him safe home and when he got there he spent 15 minutes knocking at the door whilst Christopher was sleeping in the backseat of the car, in millennium (Heyday) terms he was passed out.
Finally, Naledi opens up the door and greets him showing no signs of agitation and unhappiness but he could tell the was so much going on inside her mind, plus he knew how she felt about the love birds spending a night apart (make it two nights apart).
“Good morning Naledi, I’m here to drop off Chris. Forgive me for bringing him at this hour of the day. We lost track of time.” He humbles himself and apologizes to her.
‘’Its fine.’’ Her response proved right away to Bonga that she was definitely unhappy with the whole situation but was willing to let it go because letting go has helped her so many times.
Even though it was not his intention but his sentimental actions brought her to a place of vulnerability and he starts seeing the remakes of Christopher’s doings on her. Like any relationship commotion would arise every now and then but the resentment left behind was unclear on the surface until you were observant and patient enough to see the pain and agony caused by one’s actions to the other.
He went back to the car to wake up his friend and took him to his bedroom, it was a Sunday morning and none of them had plans of going out, the last time they went to church was when they were still in high school. University changes no one but it reveals who you truly are.
Christopher was scared of losing Naledi because he valued her ambitious spirit for life and everything in between but the was also this spirit in him that would make him do questionable things that society did not quite understand, Naledi was the only one who could speak some sense and help him calm down but even for her some things were too much to handle. He’s recent drinking and partying every weekend crisis was making her question her decision of being with him.
Now Bonga was on his way out and he bumped into Naledi in the kitchen.
“Hey, are you really okay?” Looking straight into her eyes he asked looking concerned, any kind person in this situation would be, perhaps that’s what you think.
“I have something to tell you.” He continued.
“Chris is cheating on you.” He did not wait for her reply he went straight to it.
“This is not how I wanted you to find out but it’s been going on for a while now.” He continued spilling out the beans. It’s a norm, it’s hard keeping secrets when you are intoxicated but your level of honesty is always guided by your own intentions that only you and only you know.
I have come to believe that if you think your partner is cheating on you or putting a strain on your relationship it will make easier for you to see an opportunity to cheat or do anything that would sort of make you feel better by revenging yourself, if given the choice to (of course). This is not always the case but resentment has taken some people beyond places they thought they would never be. But it’s also important that you get your facts straight before you ruin something great.
On my blog series Weblogs that Circumstances Will force you to Write (2022) I spoke on how bottled up negative emotions can manifest themselves into actions that can destroy.
And at that moment Naledi needed a shoulder to lean on because all of this was draining her energy and Bonga was literally next to her with all the comfort in the world. Jumping into his arms seemed like the best possible solution that would make her feel better about everything she has endured, but her love for Christopher never allowed her thoughts of cheating on him with his friend go on.
“I know what he means to you but I just can’t allow this to continue. I’ve been praying over you.” Bonga was adamant that he was doing the right thing for her.
Her silence was so loud that it drove him out, literally.
‘It’s not right for me to here” Bonga said and quickly rushed out to his car and drove off.
Christopher heard everything that was coming from the kitchen but chose to keep quiet, let everything be and play sleep.
After that altercation with Bonga, Naledi suddenly remembered the conversations he had with Christopher in the past hoping to find something to hang onto. Days gone by always follow you no matter where you go, they stay in the back of your mind weather you like it or not (some believe they are a good indicator for the future) and at times they seem to offer solutions to the confrontations at hand. Days gone by can be portray themselves in your actions, manifest into your ideas and in the way you handle adversity. Days gone by craft who we become. She was reminiscing hoping to find a solution and a way forward.
The religion of Hinduism believes in reincarnation which means that your soul goes through three phases in life. It goes through birth, death and rebirth. In my view relationships use the same method, I understand you might think different, the is no right or wrong perception in this scenario. The valedictory was the birth of their love, the current affliction was indicating an extermination of their adoration but in her heart the was a chance of rebirth. She was born a forgiving woman.
She went into the room and saw that Christopher was still sleeping, in reality he was just playing asleep, so she decided to go out for a walk around the neighborhood to clear her mind, this was her normal routine when she felt overwhelmed by school work but this time it was her relationship with the love of her life.
“Is this how love should be?” Christopher poured out those heart wrenching words as he was sitting in his room realizing the consequences of his affectious actions (Chapters 1). “What’s wrong me?”
“How can I do this to Naledi?” His words were followed by a decision that changed things from bad to worse.