Once upon a time was a king. He was most known for his Strong army. Besides having a strong army Mr Makwanya had beautifull gardens as well as healthy livestock. None of his villagers ever suffered from hunger or shortage of basic needs. 

Although everything seemed all right with the king there was a single problem which upseted him a lot. He had everything he needed except for an heir to his kingdom’s s throne, And according to the Shona culture, a hair to be Mambo’s(king) could only be the first male child. 

Of all his wives, he loved Paida the most. Nobody really understood why he loved her so much. I guess that is she once conceived a male child and he passed on. He was a father of 6 daughters, three of them were married and the remaining three was still in school. 
 Due to the king’s failure to conceive a male child the subjects started disrespecting him. It was a shame to the Shona culture for the king to fail in producing a prince. The subjects protested and insisted that the king steps down.

The subjects protested tirelessly. Day and night they could be seen. They demanded that the king steps down and his brother becomes new king. 

After a few days the king gave up and left the throne to his elder brother who had a male child. Although Mr Makwanya’s brother was good at heart, his son was neither caring nor loving. his subjects feared him and he was loved by nobody. He was known as an arrogant and selfish man.

The new king passed on as after a short while and his son Masimba was crowned king. 

The kingdom was not ruled by the king alone but also led by spirits. The kingdom’s spirits communicated through faceless voices which only the royal family hear. The spirits usually spoke warning people about the upcoming dangers and also told the kings on how to rule the kingdom. The kingdom’s spirits were known by everybody and they lived according to their rules. 

Now Masimba as a king who was cruel and bad at heart he never listened to what the spirits told him. He started considering himself a God and forced people to bow and worship to him. He strongly believed in violence and any one who did not follow his orders was stoned to death. 

Due to his cruelty and selfishness, the spirits were angered and they turned their backs upon the entire kingdom. Diseases, battles and droughts rained upon the subjects and everyone in the village experienced extreme life conditions. 

The rivers all dried up, Waters turned bitter, livestock suddenly disappeared and the green fields turned brown. The kingdom suddenly became unsafe for the citizens to live. Harsh conditions were unleashed upon everyone in the kingdom. 

The kingdom was known for winning battles but for this period of time they lost wars even to the weakest armies. beautiful women turned ugly, The strong men became weak and shame was brought upon the village. 

Now that people had suffered for a long time, they prayed tirelessly hoping for mercy from the spirits but it all went in vain. 

After a long time of suffering, Their prayers were answered when an unidentified man entered the kingdom. He went straight to the palace and he met the king, delivered his message to him, but the king refused to believe what the man had to say. 

More disasters rained until the king consulted the unknown man and heard what the man had to say. The man told him he was not the rightful king and the chosen king was coming. He told him the rightful king would restore peace honour and glory to the kingdom. 

Masimba did not believe the man but fear was installed in his heart. He told the man there was no better king to the village than himself and no one could take the throne away from him. Now that he had said this, the spirits where even more angry at him and they wished to kill him. The king was tortured with an unknown sickness untill he Finally gave up upon the throne. 

After he was no longer king the kingdom had no ruler for a long time. Now that there was no Mambo, the villagers wanted to know who the following King was. The unknown men told the kingdom the right king was on his way. 

One early morning a young unknown man was seen entering.He looked handsome and attractive, He had no tattoos nor chains with him. He looked as strong as a lion but he was as humble, as a duiker.

The good man was in search of his father. He told the villagers his father was a king in a kingdom he did not know and was in search for him. He asked if anyone knew his father but nobody had an idea. After this the handsome man then left. 

Just before the man had gone too far, A man from the village suddenly called him by his name, “Wenyasha’ the man shouted, don’t go my prince. I know your father, he was from here. Many years ago your father and I visited your a certain village. We were in search foe a herbal tree. On our way returning home we mate a beautiful lady whom your father fell in fell in with. They planned on getting married but it was not lawful to marry outside the village. They had to break apart and lead life separately due to this fact. One other day your mother visited me and told me she were pregnant with your father’s child. I told her she could not tell the prince about this matter but rather keep the child and look after him. My child you are prince! “

The good looking man asked if it was possible for him to be prince since his mother was from a different kingdom. Just as he was still asking his question the unknown man again suddenly appeared from nowhere. He told the villagers the king whom they had been waiting for had arrived. 

After this great news, preparations were made to crown the prince the village’s new king. After a new king was crowned everything in the village returned back to its normal form. It regain its strong army once again and peace was once again restored. They lived happily ever after.