Nombuso went to the fridge and she took all of the meat and made it for her friends and sister.

They ate it was normal and it was time for her friends to go

Nombuso friend: thanks for the food

Nombuso:no prob

Then her mom and dad came home late , they picked up their brother at school.

When Mr dlamini opened the fridge he was angry

Mr dlamini: shouting) Mbali

Nombuso came rushing and all of his family

Mbali:dad ?

Mr dlamini:what did I tell you ,

Mbali: nothing dad

Mrs dlamini: what wrong my love.

Nokukhanya: daddy are you ok.

Zwelakhe:talk what wrong dad.

Mr dlamini: I told this stupid girl that she must not finish all the meat and she did .what I’m going to do now all of it gone.

Mrs dlamini:what gone my love

Every one was shoked