Keneilwe’s side

Am I imagining it, or is Zekhethelo really checking me out? She’s staring at me, up and down and she’s not hiding it.

She looks so confident, and no doubt she’s a female alpha. I am struggling to contain my giggles and I feel flushed. I can’t help but busk in the attention she’s giving me.

She stops examining me, and swings her head so she can look at Zanele. Ouch! My round of attention is over, just like that. I’m jealous of the way she’s so easy going with Zanele. 

I watch as Zekhethelo throws her hand around Zanele’s shoulder, and whispers something to her, that makes Zanele giggle loudly and slap her joking on the shoulder. 

“You’re naughty.” Zanele says.

Zekhethelo turns to me, she licks her lip. She has pink lips. Her eyes are low, and bright. She has bedroom eyes. I have no doubt she’s dominant in the bedroom. I shake my head.

“You have nice lips.” She says to me.

I die and go to heaven. She complimented me. She really did.

“Speaking of lips, it’s been long since I kissed someone.” She says and looks at Zanele. Jealousy stabs at me, once more.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Zanele asks, laughing.

She’s about to answer, when her phone rings loudly. Luh Kel blasts. 

“If I said I need you by my side, stay close to me. Just keep on holding me, telling me you’ll never leave.” Her ring tone.

“Babe.” She whispers, in a bedroom voice.

I melt, at the same time, feel jealous. She has a girlfriend!