David is back in his apartment, he takes out his phone and calls someone.
David: find out the where abouts of Sifiso Nongoloza, capture him when you find him. (hangs up) (makes another call) Get Andy’s corpse in his apartment, leave no traces.
Meanwhile Mr Nkosi receives a call and leaves in a hurry.
Mr Nkosi arrives at XX Restaurant wearing a mask.
Mr Nkosi: Hello ma’am, reservation for Mr Nongoloza?
Receptionist: Good day sir, table 5 at the corner.
Mr Nkosi: Thank you ma’am.(Mr Nkosi heads to the table and finds a man sitting there) Hello, you must be Mr Nongoloza….
Nongoloza: Indeed sir, please sit so we can talk properly, (Mr Nkosi seats) I met with Mrs Nkosi on the day she was killed
Back in David’s apartment. Thando is there to go over some information with David.
David: I have some information on the accomplice, Xolani has gone to find his where abouts…
Thando: Make it quick, find that man, anyways, before I came here I saw I saw the old man Nkosi leaving in a hurry despite his poor health, I suspect something has happened, I hope that old geezer is not investigating us… anyways, how did it go with you and Andy? I mean the talk? what did he say?
David: I have killed Andy…(Thando slaps David) He was playing you! (Thando slaps him again) You weren’t in love with him Thando…You were confused, he was playing you to get you to pay his debts for him to the big boss,(Thando raises her hand to slap him again but David catches it) even if you slap me a million times he’s dead now, you can marry Jonathan and be happy, he’s the one you got feelings for, even if you don’t know it now you’ll know it later, I’ll remove all the obstacles in your way so you can be happy, even if you don’t love him now, you’ll learn to, he’s a good guy and he’s rich and that’s good enough, Andy was just a good for nothing…
Thando: You don’t have to say that about Andy, I already knew he was a bastard but I liked him anyway, he did not force me to pay his debt, I did it all on my own… why did you have to kill him? why did you meddle?!(breaks down)
David: it’s okay, it’s okay (hugs her)
Back at the restaurant.
Nongoloza: Mrs Nkosi had asked me to investigate and tail your future daughter-in-law Thando, and we had learnt some pretty interesting news. This girl has been using fake identities hence I’m not sure if this is her real identity. And she has done a lot of bad things, I have some witnesses who are willing to testify but there isn’t any evidence of her crimes she has wiped her trail clean, though we’ve figured she was responsible for the money theft in your house and I’ve gathered the evidence in this document, I’ve also made copies just in case, so keep them in different locations. The madam told me she was gonna go meet her on the day of her death, so maybe you should investigate where that girl had gone on that day to find some clues. I can no longer help as I fear they might be looking for me, hence I decided to meet you and give you the information I had gathered. Do not tell a soul we have met sir, for your safety and mine. Save your son from this evil woman, you have no time, only two weeks remains till your son’s marriage, make haste.
Mr Nkosi: Thank you sir for taking the risk of meeting me and helping me.
Nongoloza: I owe it to the madam. We have been working together for a long time.
Mr Nkosi: I shall leave now, please take care.
Nongoloza: Of course I’ll stay a bit longer though, goodbye (Mr Nkosi leaves, after a while in the restaurant Nongoloza is about to leave when a man approaches him)
The man: Sifiso Nongoloza?
Nongoloza: Yes, you are?(alarmed)
The man: please come with me, (Nongoloza tries to run) Address, Kerk Street, house no7…I also saw a beautiful child going to xx high school, you get what I mean.(Nongoloza stops then follows the man quietly)
David receives a call.
David: Is it done? We’re coming (hangs up)They found him.
Xolani: I’ve also gotten rid of Andrew’s body…
David: let’s go to the warehouse…
Thando and her crew go to the warehouse, they question Nongoloza to find any useful information but end up with nothing. In the end they ended up killing Nongoloza as they thought he was of no use.
Thando: One less problem…Now my marriage will commence problem free.(smirk)
Xolani: Bad news! One of the guys did a check on Nongoloza’s activities, and he found that before we took Nongoloza he met with a masked man…they say he looked middle aged, but he never left his name.
Thando: Middle aged masked man? what the hell? who is this new problem? what else did they say?
Xolani: That’s all they could find so far…