Thando arrives at the mansion and finds Jonathan sitting in the living room watching TV
Thando: Hey Jon, wanna go out with me?
Jonathan: (oh! she actually came. Hehehe, let me play hard to get for a little.)(ignores her)
Thando: Are you mad about how I talked to you over the phone?
Jonathan: No, I’m not mad. I just don’t want to go out with you anymore… (she’s falling for it)
Thando: Oh really? (he’s playing with me, he couldn’t be more obvious..) it’s okay, I’ll just go with Amanda then… (peeks at him)
Jonathan: Uh.. no!
Thando: (stands up to leave) oh, did you say something Jon??(chuckles)
Jonathan: (Panicky) I. Uhm, I was saying that um… there’s no need to bother Amanda, I’ll just go with you since you insist…
Thando: okay! let’s go… ( holds on to his arm and drags him along, they go out and have fun)
While at the mall, Thando spots Andy with a girl being all cuddly and cozy, and gets mad.
Jonathan: What’s wrong? Did you see something you didn’t like?
Thando: No! Why would I be bothered by anything? I saw nothing, just a rat…(disgusted)
Jonathan: well…You must really hate rats, seeing that disgusted look on your face.
Thando: Yeah, I really do…anyway I’m already really tired now we’ve been here for quite some time, I hope I’ve cheered you up. Let’s go
Jonathan: Yeah, it’s been a long day, let’s go…(They head back home)
In the evening Thando sneaks out to meet David.
At David’s apartment. Thando is moving around angrily.
David: What’s wrong sis? You look real mad…And, please stop moving around and tell me what the matter is.
Thando: You have no idea what I saw…I’m boiling right now I could kill someone!
David: What did you see that got you this mad? Stop beating around the bush and tell me already…
Thando: I saw Andy dammit! I saw Andy with some other girl, he’s cheating on me isn’t he? Ugh! I’m so gonna kill that girl…(Shaking in anger)
David: Calm down, calm down…(hugging Thando and patting her back) I’ll talk to Andy, okay? I’ll talk to him, we’ll have a nice little chat. (creepily)
Thando: Don’t talk like that it’s creepy…
David: Yeah yeah …I’m your creepy bro, now relax.
Next morning David is talking to Andy at Andy’s place.
David: What the hell are you doing with my sister Andrew? Roaming around with other girls? really? And you didn’t even bother hiding it, you let Thando see you. You better give me a satisfactory answer.
Andy: Who do you think you are to be demanding answers from me little David? huh? (Gets close to David and grabs his chin and tightens grip)I’ll do whatever I want with naïve little Thando and there aint nothing you can do about it, because you’re the useless little brother who hides under his sister’s skirt. What gave you the guts to come to my place and attempt to fight me?
David: See, this is where you’re wrong Andy, (grabs Andy’s hand and breaks it, Andy screams his lungs out until he can’t) I’m not stupid little David, hehe I’m the big boss…
Andy: (pant)what?? (shocked)
David: your boss…(evil laughter) You really thought I was that stupid ey?? (laughs) Then you’re the stupid one… I would never let you mess with my sister! (Punches him, pushes him and he falls down and David steps on him) You know Andy, my sister’s had a hard life. Looking after me and stuff, so I thought I should look after her in the shadows and that is how I became the big boss, but then she met you and you had too much debt so she insisted to pay it off with you, looking at how much she liked you, I couldn’t bring myself to tell her the truth about me… and now, let’s call my sister so she can join in on the fun right?
Andy: David please (cough cough) I’m sorry, please spare me…(begs)
David: what? spare you?…
Andy: yyeah, (coughs) I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you who the ..
David: tell me what? (curious) (lifts his leg off Andy)
Andy: I, I, I know who aided that old lady…(kneels)
David: oh really now? So you’re useful after all.. hehe
Andy: Yeah…you still need me! so if you let me go I’ll tell you.
David: Hehe, I don’t think you understand what’s happening here Andy, even without you I can find the ally, so maybe if you tell me without being a nuisance I might let you go Andy… you are in no position to make demands.(grins)
Andy: David! you can’t do this to me!
David: well now, I gave you a chance and you chose not to take it(takes his gun and points it at Andy’s head) any last wishes?
Andy: Nongoloza! Sifiso Nongoloza! Age 48, private detective.
David: Oh, (pulls the trigger and shoots Andy) oops, my hand slipped..(takes all of Andy’s cellphones and cuts all wires of the landline phones, then walks away and leaves Andy to bleed to death)