People that you know can build you, grow you, encourage you.

And it’s also a good thing too make sure you don’t depend on other people, you dobt rely on other people, your not close with other people, as you can’t depend input your trust on other people its not good.

They are not God if they leave you what are you going too do, or they die, of you find that as muvh as you thought they are right, they can’t be kept for a very long period of time. When you experience people leaving even if they are good it doesn’t mean they are bax of anything. If just simply means they are timd in your luff are over, it’s not a bad thing, God is saving you, and you know what the Bible says, ” God says, I’m a jealous God” more and more due too my understandibg I got too know that more of that what God has said is.

HD doesn’t want too see you with anyone else or you being’ ‘too close to someone else’ ‘ so it’s not a bad thing it’s actually him protecting you from pain as well.

So it’s best to lean on yourself and God.

The mouth is a very power weapon. I’ve learnt how too be my only best hero and I love and appreciate that if made me strong, sharing my scars with you just makes me even more happy if it’s able too help you too.

All mean badwords being sad too you, you can simply ignore them, control your heart, shollow them and just turn them around as motivation too being a hero as well.

All good words which are thrown too you, use them too build you and don’t be so hard on yourself. Now be proud of yourself cause you earned it hero.

Let’s just be careful of our mouth and not allow our hearts, to control our emotions and the feelings they tend too experience cause that impacts voice as well