The bell rang there was a girl who was hiding her face lot of kids have asked her to show up her face but she don’t want to. She is lonely and don’t want to know anyone lot of guys want to know her and see her real face but she never agree. One day it was a very sunny day she was woring a white hoodie and a short basket skirt it was a day to not wore a school uniform. She went to sit alone a bunch of girls came and persuade her to take of the musk and a hoodie hat they forced her when she was about to take it off a guy came and stopped them he hold her hand. They went out on a hidden private place where there is a private. The whole school was crazy saying “wow they are dating .” All of those bad things because this guy was a handsome guy. When they were there the girl looked away “don’t worry l wont force you to take it off feel free.” The girl smiled then drawed her face. “I am just scared to take it off l just …” The guy took her hand and smiled “don’t take it off if you don’t want to.” The girl hugged him they made a good friendship.