A few hours before





Samantha’s pov.

“Mrs Hudson my daughter hasn’t come home yet!!” she yelled. Samantha (Lisa’s mom) went to Chloe’s mother (Mrs Hudson) to go look for her because a day went by and she hasn’t returned yet.

“Don’t worry she’s with Chloe, they went to the forest – to go camping” said Mrs Hudson looking very lost, “didn’t she tell you?”. Samantha realized that Lisa didn’t obey her. Lots of questions went through her mind. I hope she’s fine.

Without thinking she charged out of the house and went straight to the camping site. Danger she could be in danger. Samantha had a feeling that something had happened to her sweet little naive daughter. She had a little trouble getting to the forest because she’s never set foot there before.

When she got there, she saw tents a lot of tents. She sighed in relief. “Excuse me ma’am are you lost?” asked an old lady. “I’m looking for my daughter” stated Samantha. “Come with me” she said. And with that they both went to a cabinet to search through the list of children that came to camp. Lisa’s name was marked in red.

“Why is it red?” asked Samantha. “She suddenly disappeared as well as her group of friends” said the old lady. Sam couldn’t think she just couldn’t process all this it was too overwhelming. “Did you even bother searching for her!?” she asked well it was more like shouting. “Yes I’ve sent a search party and a few policemen to go look for her” said the old lady.

Sam didn’t waste anytime she just left the old lady and went deep into the forest. She had no idea where she was going but she was determined on finding her daughter.





Present time…

Lisa’s pov.

Next thing I know Chloe is being hit hard on her back. “Noooooooooooo!” I screamed. The man was still in pain so he didn’t do much damage. She got up and kicked him in the face. She’s so strong, respect to her. She untied me and we both went straight for the exit. I grabbed a knife on the way. I was running behind Chloe so the beast caught up to me and grabbed my hair. My reflexes kicked in and I stabbed his leg making him cry in pain. Ha! take that weirdo!

We finally got out of what looked like an old double story house. We ran for what felt like hours. And bumped into a lady. I looked up and saw that it was my mother. “Mom!” I screamed and gave a bone crushing hug.

“Chloe, come here baby” she said and all three of us hugged each other and cried. “C’mon you are going home” she said. Chloe and I nodded at the same time. That reminds me, Britt and Brandon are still in there. “Mom Britt and Brandon are still there” I said. Before my mom could answer a police offer appeared.

He took a photo out and nodded. I’m assuming that that’s a photo of me or Chloe. “Where are your other two friends?” he asked. “They are DEAD! That psyco killed them!!” yelled Chloe she was literally screaming at the top of her lungs. The police officer didn’t waste anytime he informed his colleagues that he found two of us and the other two are dead.

He lead us back to the camping site and left us with my mom.





(Third person)

The detective questioned Lisa and Chloe about the whole kidnapping. Lisa told him the how it happened and how she got tortured by the ‘beast’. Chloe told her side of the story, where she had to see her friend getting diced in front of her. The detective took down notes.