
Then she lit her weed and smoked. She loved eating after, saying weed makes her hungry. Those are the things that turned me on about her I thought, I couldn’t smoke it, it choked me. It was almost six months of our relationship and I was taken away by silly things. She left the following morning as usual.

We travelled with the soccer team, my post grad friends Alindile, Zingisa, Noluvo and Wendy were there. Alindile from my under-grad took me out to see her workplace in coffee bay it was fun and got me out of the res while I was job hunting.

Zingisa, Noluvo and Wendy worked for municipality in East London and were a little older than us but were our groupmates, it made my studies easier as we went to class to practise on evenings after work and things went well. I managed my studies well and was well focussed than the previous year since I was working, I waited for jobs but I’d get something requiring Scriptwriting only or something else along those lines. I was picky then and construction was just so many careers. I had previleage to start a project from Planning, Scriptwriting, Editing, finance, Production and Project Management of a Production company expirience but I just wanted them to know my expirience and accept it as a PRODUCTION CEO who has that expirience.

My post grad could have been another Thembi but Thembisa this time, she was from Lusikisiki. Lusikisiki my eyes openned wide, She was on our class and not Alindile’s friend this time. She got married that year. That coming out to be a lesbian post-graduate year, there was a “class post-graduate couple getting married!!!”. We killed her and hanged her in Lusikisiki on a bush, what ever wild life there is in Lusikisiki.

Did you know now anyone can have a NQF level 2 construction management certificate in 6 months with just grade 12 and just because it’s written construction management and they may not know NQF level 7 civil engineering with 10 years expirience because it’s not written construction management.

If you want a lawyer with criminal defence certificate and another lawyer with 10 years expirience in LLB it rather seen useless because his certificate in not written crime defence for example. The LLB certificate must say Stolen Goods Crime and if Rape it must say Rape Cases certificate as if we don’t know it’s LLB. The things that happen in these careers.

I focused on my studies though and sport career.

How we broke up?

I also don’t know, she had introduced me to a couple of his friends who were studying in Fort Hare and Unisa. Some were studying Management and Law . One of them was Sunel a Law student at Fort Hare , they were having a braai. I knew Sunel on my Facebook a long time ago from then. The previous day she posted something about who wants to take me out for a Pizza. I commented come here I can take you out. I had met her that evenning with Emihle the day I got my residence keys, she was with her girlfriend or friend we shared the same table at that Chesa Nyama. Oh, that’s when she said she was Advocate Sunel on Facebook so I invited her. The world is small indeed. So as broke as I was I said come I’ll take you out. My life is only filled with women mostly and we were chatting as women, tomboy from my eyes, people I ussually hang around with, the only common people in my life. Like I am trapped in a cell with women only.

All Wanga’s friends were in the braai where she introduced me to some. Then she asked me if I saw a picture she posted on Facebook. I had never paid attention to Wanga’s Facebook account so I said no. I took my phone and she had cropped a picture of us, my profile picture and hers then placed them on her timeline then tagged me.

It didn’t appear on my timeline because I had to check my notifications then accept her tag. My notifications were alot each day from groups, people I follow, I ussually ignored them and didn’t see tags. I immediately untagged the picture and asked her to remove it. We were at the party and she called on one of her close friends Jay and told her we were leaving then told me. The night was young and I was not happy about it, but I didn’t question her that was her life that day.

* A girls high school or prison, does violets life not look like that? Trapped more now she doesn’t have roomates with RICH boyfriends?*