I had lots of money I hardly knew anyone in East London but there was someone I was chatting with that I met on some pride event or EL lesbians WhatsApp group that I recently joined since I was going to go to EL. I called her that night to show me EL, I locked my room then off I went, she was in some college residence in Quigney. We went out with her roommate to some chesa nyama pub. She was chubby very light skinned and her roommate was dark.
Am I not blessed with Yellowbones in my life, my friends while I was doing my under-grad studies just transformed to be other Yellowbone people and this friend was just lesbian. “Yello summer my MTN life” I thought but we had fun and I think her name was Emihle or Enhle somewhere on those lines meaning beauty. She is a strong warrior I saw she was going to be perfect on my team.
I have never walked in the CBD at midnight well Quigney was familiar to me since we spent New Year there most of my teenage years walking around at night there and some drunk but that was different it was probarbly Mid-March and we were walking at night in that hood. Part of me was scared, I am a sissy sometimes She said I can be calm they do that all the time, the street was empty and quiet. We arrived at their residences and slept the following morning I went back to my residence.