I arrived home my mom was already home but it seems as she was crying.
Zodwa ran to hug her.
“Afternoon mom” I said going to the kitchen where I took the bucket off my head
” Afternoon nana how was your day after I to went work ” looking at me in full concentration.
My mind is building a lie “good mom “Zodwa looked at me I lied if I tell her the it will hurt her .
” Mom she is lying to you it wasn’t good” ohh for goodness sake what’s wrong with this little rat.
She told my mom everything that happened earlier today in the morning . After Zodwa was done talking my mom embraced me In her arms and started sobbing ” I never ever thought this the will come” everything turned we all joined her and cryed till we had no tears to shed ” I love you and your sister “more Zodwa who has a space between me and my mom “we love you too mom” we were enveloped in my mom arms.
I didn’t cook my mom brought some take aways from the palace she said the King son is home from boarding school he is waiting for his matric results so that he can go to university next year. So my mom took some the leftovers in the palace that’s what ate.
I went to prepare my bed I sleep alone on the a sponge and my mom and sleep on the double bed.
Before I could close my eyes I thought about what my mom said she said she didn’t think that this day would come I didn’t get it but the is something ringing in my head the something going on…..ah nevermind.
And the next thing I forget about my mom and started thinking about Nathi how he smiles and how cute he is and the next I am in the dream world with Nathi…