Its finally the day of the contest.Tshidi has just woken up and her face is itching.
“Tshidi what happened to your face?Why is it all red and swollen?” Mercy asks as she sees her.
“Red and swollen?Let me go to the bathroom to check it.”
Tshidi goes to the bathroom.Mercy checks her new clothes but finds them all teared up.
“Tshidi,come here fast.You need to see this.” Mercy says and Tshidi comes running.
“What’s wrong?” Tshidi asks.
Mercy shows her the teared up clothes.
“What happened?Who did this to me?Why?” Tshidi says on the verge of tears.
“Hey, don’t worry.” Mercy comforts her.
“Why does everything have to turn out bad for me?Clearly God doesn’t want me winning the contest.How can I win with a swollen face and teared up clothes?” Tshidi says crying.
“Nothing is going to stop you,even a swollen face and a few teared clothes. I bet it’s that girl,Neli who did this.But right now don’t worry.I’ve got a cream that will help you with your swollen face.And you’ve got many beautiful clothes to wear.Now stop crying because it will only make your face worse.Say I am doing this.” Mercy says
“I am doing this.” Tshidi says and hugs her mom.
“I’m telling you,my plan worked.” Neli tells her friends.
“How sure are you?” Mbali asks.
“100%I mean who could model with a swollen face and teared clothes.No ways!” Neli says laughing.
“But don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” Mbali says again.
Maria is alone at home as Otlile went to school.She hears a knock.She opens the door.
“Lucy is this you?” Maria says.
“It’s me,Mama.” Lucy says and gets in.
“Why didn’t you tell us you were getting out?We could have planned something nice for you.” Maria says.
“I just wanted to surprise you.Anyways, where’s Otlile and Olerato?” Lucy asks.
“Otlile is at school and Olerato was kidnapped.” Maria says.
“Kidnapped?What happened?” Lucy asks.
“That’a story for another day.”
Tshidi was able to go to the Mr and Miss Lekala High event and now it’s time to announce the winner.
“But,before we announce the winners we have a surprise for you.Besides being able to enter the Limpopo Teen contest,the three winners, both male and female will get a free modelling job at the modelling company owned by………….Mrs Mercy Nkadimeng.”Maam Mokoena says.
There is a round of applause as Mercy ascends the stage.
“Now,the time we’ve all be waiting for has arrived.We’ll start with the gentlemen.”
The three winners are named and ascend the stage to receive their gifts.
“Inside each envelope there’s a little amount of money according to the position won.Now we go to the ladies.The second princess is………Mary Ndaba.”
She ascends the stage.
“The first princess is…………Nelisiwe Khoza.”
Neli ascends the stage,not really happy for the position.Tshidi has twisted her fingers.
“And now for the Queen.Who was able to defeat all,and conquer.I’m honoured and proud to announce the winner of Miss Lekala High…………… Miss Matshidiso Nkadimeng.”
Tshidi faints.
……….Season 4 On it’s way………..