Lucy and Melusi waiting for the doctor.Mercy and Lucas who were at the hospital’s bathrooms came to them.
“What are you two doing here?” Lucy asked them.
They kept quiet.
“I asked you a question.” Lucy said as she started losing her patience.
“I’m the one who hit your son with my car.” Mercy confessed.
“You did what?”
“I’m sorry,it was an accident.”Mercy pleaded for her forgiveness.
“Lucas,get the hell outta here with you and your murderer wife.Now!!”
They got out.Melusi also went out to get something to eat.
Mercy and Lucas arrive home.They find Tshidi watching TV.
“Geez,I’ve been waiting for you guys for a long time.Where have you been?” Tshidi asked them.
“At the hospital?” her mother answered her sadly.
“What were you doing at the hospital?” Tshidi asked again.
“My darling,your mother is too tired to answer all those questions right now.” Lucas said.
“I hit Blessing with my car.” Mercy confessed to her.
“You did what?!Blessing as in Ma’am Maake’s son?”
“Yes,and trust me I didn’t mean to,it was an accident.”
Tshidi just turned back and went to her bedroom.
After Melusi left the doctor came.
“Your son has lost a lot of blood,and will need a blood transfusion urgently.You will need to find someone with blood type C within 24 hours.” The doctor said and left.
“Blood type C? That’s the same blood type as Melusi!What am I going to do? I am not going to let that murderer to donate his bad blood to my son.” Lucy said to herself.
Just then Melusi came in.
“Has the doctor said anything?” Melusi asked her.
“No, let’s go home,we’ll come back tomorrow.” she lies.
Lucy comes in her house and founds Otlile waiting for her.
“Mom,where have you been?And where is Blessing?”Otlile asked.
“Otlile,your little brother was involved in a car accident.” Lucy told him.
“Why didn’t you tell me so I can come with you to the hospital?” Otlile asked.
“You are too young to get so worried.You just relax and pray that your brother gets better and trust me,he will get better because he is a fighter.” Lucy tried to make him feel better.