Nomcebo spent so many days with Iluma until it was time for her to go to university. She had surprisingly passed with flying colours and got a bursary to study medicine in Europe, in one of the best schools.
She had left home with her mother happy now living in a very big and beautiful house and food no longer seemed to run out anymore.
Until one day everything changed, and the life she was living all ended. Nomcebo lost her scholarship and had to go back home with a broken heart but when she arrived she was beyond the word shocked.
Her beautiful home was now left in a rubble, the once strong and beautiful house now had cracks, it was as if someone had broken it down.
When she got inside she found her mother crying on the floor as she broke it down with an axe, the house was unrecognisable.
“What’s happening.”
Her mother turned around, tears were streaming down her face as she carried on with breaking it down.