( Jude wakes up at 06:00 and prepares for school, she dress up and does what every teen does in the morning and leaves her home. She finds Lucy waiting for her outside her gate)

Jude: (Smiling) Morning Lucy . How are you doing this morning.

Lucy: I am great (Smiling) Thanks for asking how about you.

Jude: I am fine, I just don’t feel like going to school today.

Lucy : Don’t worry we are in the 11th grade, just one year remaining then we are done with Westerville High.

Jude: Yeh, you are right. Come on lets go.

(Jude and Lucy reached their school Westerville High, they don’t share the same class. Jude seats down then her teacher Mr Smith comes in)

Mr Smith: Morning class!

(The class stands up to greet their teacher )

Mr Smith: Before we start our lessons for today I would like to introduce a new learner who will join our class. I hope you will all welcome her.

(The whole class whispers to each other wondering who is this new learner )

Tracy: (introducing herself in a quiet voice) Morning class , My name is Tracy Morgen and I am pleased to be in this class.

(One of the learners screams that they cannot hear Tracy speaking and the class laughs)

Mr Smith: (Angrily) Quite all of you. What kind of welcome is this? Tracy go and sit down.

(Tracy goes to seat at the back of the class near the window. Mr Smith teaches the class about Trigonometry. Two hours have passed and its lunch, Jude and her classmates leaves their class except for Tracy. Jude stares at her and has a weird feeling about Tracy but ignores it. Jude and Jane are outside when Jude sees her crush Max)

Jude: (scared) OMG! He is coming.

Lucy : (confused) Who?

Jude: What do you mean who. That’s Max, my crush.

Lucy: (giggling) That’s him, prince charming.

Max: ( stares at Jude and Lucy and approaches them) Hi ladies. How are you girls doing, I think I’ve seen you both before. What are your names?

(Both girls introduce themselves as Jude and Lucy )

Max: Okay well I am known as Max(smiles at Jane) So Lucy you are kinda cute. Can I have your number.

Lucy:( smiles) Thanks, you are cute too. Okay I give you my number .

(Lucy gives her number to Max. Jude stares at her friend and is surprised by what she is seeing)

Jade:(Angrily) What the hell?

Lucy: What?

Jude:What is going on, you know I have a crush on him instead you give him your number.

Lucy: It’s not my fault if he likes me there is nothing I can do.

Jude:(upset) you know what. I don’t want to talk to right now.

(Jude and Tracy go opposite direction to their classes. After a few hours it was school out and everybody went home. The two friends did not walk home together as usually. Weeks pass and they still do not talk to each other.

Two Months later…..

( Jude wakes up early as usually and prepares for school when she arrives she sees Lucy kissing Max. Jude’s heart is broken and she feels like taking revenge on Lucy for betraying her. Its lunch and Jude does not leave class and for the first time Tracy approaches Jude and befriends Jude)

Tracy: What’s wrong?

Jude: Nothing, I just don’t believe Lucy would betray me like that. She stole my first crush.

Tracy: Do you want your revenge.

Jude: Yes I guess so, why?

Tracy: ( smiles) Maybe I can help but we need to go to the library.

Jude: What are we going to do in the library?

Tracy: We are going to get a book.

(Tracy takes Jude to the last row of books where nobody can see what they about to do at the library)

Jude: What are we doing here?

Tracy: We are here to make your wishes come true with just a book.

(Tracy pulls out a book that was once forbidden to open, she tells Jude that this book was not written by a human but written by a creature of evil and that she must not be alarmed)

Jude: I have never seen this book before(surprised) It looks like it is written in a different language and what the hell is this kind of book written by devil himself doing here and…….

Tracy: (interrupts Jude) Shh! Be silent, don’t worry. With this book you can be good at everything, everybody at this school will like you, you will finally be able to date Max and take your revenge on Lucy and who knows even become wealthy at a young age. All for just a drop of your blood, you wouldn’t want to miss this opportunity would you( deceiving smile on her face)

Jude:Okay I will do it, besides you are joking with me and its just a prank.

(Tracy takes out a pocket knife and asks for Jude’s hand. Tracy cuts Jude’s hand and few drops of blood drop on the book. Suddenly Jude woke up in her bedroom)

Jude:(shocked of how she got home) What happened? How did I get home, I have to talk to Tracy maybe she knows becouse she was the last person I spoke to yesterday.

(Jude prepares herself and she leaves only to find Max is waiting for her outside her gate )

Jude: (surprised) Max what are you doing here?

Max: I am here to see you.

Jude: Won’t Lucy find out you are here,I don’t want trouble.

Max: Don’t worry about that. I broke up with her, I realized that I am a idiot. You are the one I want so here I ask would you be my girlfriend?

Jude:(smiles) Okay, I will be your girlfriend.

Max: Great, come on lets go.

Jude:(speaks to herself ) I cannot believe it worked. Tracy was right, I have to tell her the good news.

(Jude and her first love Max reach school. Jude hurries to her classroom trying to find Tracy but no luck. She goes around asking people if they have see Tracy but everybody say the do not know who is Tracy. Jade even went to her class teacher Mr Smith to ask him if she has changed classes but Mr Smith says he does not know a learner know as Tracy. Jude even checks the class list of learners but the is no Tracy Morgen)

Jude: What is going on. Where is Tracy?

( While Jude is struggling to figure out what is going on, Lucy approaches her)

Lucy:( Angrily ) You stole my man!

Jude:( surprised) What! I did not steal Max. He came to me and told me that he dumped you. It was clear that I am better than you.

(The two girls begine to fight each other physically. They are both sent to the principal’s office. Later it was school out and everybody leaves school and Jude is walking with Max when Lucy chases them in the middle of the road)

Lucy:(shouts at Jude and Max) I hate you both. Max you betrayed me and dated this slut……

Max:(interrupts Lucy) Let me stop you right the Lucy. I don’t love you anymore, we have nothing anymore.

Lucy: (crying) But you cannot leave me. I love you and……

( suddenly Lucy a run over by a school bus as she was in the middle of the road and Jade and Max were on the other side of the road. Time stood still as the two lovebirds were shocked of what had happened, the police and ambulance came to the horrific scene. Lucy is taken to the nearest hospital where she was later pronounced dead)