(Sino’s home, a small living room with a couch, TV, and coffee table. Sino, a 17 year old new mother, enters the room, looking angry and hurt. Her mother, Ouma, is sitting on the couch, watching TV. Sino’s stepdad, Mdluli, is sitting next to her.)
Ouma: (noticing Sino is alone) Where’s the baby?
Sino: (angrily) Oh, you care now? You didn’t even ask me how I was feeling or what happened at the hospital.
Ouma: (Defensively) Sino, I did ask! You’re being dramatic.
Sino: (bitterly) Dramatic? You want to know about the baby? I gave her up for adoption. Are you happy now?
Ouma: (surprised) What? Sino, why would you do that?
Sino: (furiously) Why? Because I didn’t want to bring a child into this toxic household! Because I didn’t want my child to suffer the way I have!
Mdluli: (calmly) Sino, that’s enough.
Sino: (defiantly) No, it’s not enough! You’ve ruined my life, Baba. And now you’re going to pretend like everything is fine?
Ouma: (frustrated) Sino, stop being so ungrateful! Your stepdad provides for us.
Sino: (disgusted) Provides for us? At what cost, Mama?
Ouma: (angrily) That’s enough, Sino! You’re being disrespectful!
Sino: (furiously) Disrespectful? You want to talk about disrespect? You’ve disrespected me my entire life, Mama! You’ve ignored me, neglected me, and now you’re just standing there, defending him?!
Ouma: (standing up) Sino, that’s enough! You need to calm down!
Sino: (defiantly) No, I won’t calm down! I’m tired of being silenced, tired of being ignored! I’m tired of being treated like I’m nothing!
Ouma: (tearfully) Sino, stop! You’re hurting me!
Sino: (bitterly) Oh, poor Mama. You’re finally feeling some pain. Maybe now you’ll understand what I’ve been going through all these years!
Mdluli: (angrily) That’s it, Sino! You’re going to regret talking to your mother like that!
Sino: (defiantly) I’m not afraid of you, Baba! I’m not afraid of either of you! I’m finally free!
(Sino clicks her tongue in disgust and frustration, then turns and walks away, leaving her mother and stepdad in the living room.)
Tell us: How is the story so far?