Macbeth’s body lay there in her blood.Mark came some steps closer to take a look at her,with teardrops in his face.He looked directly into the palm of her left hand and noticed Macbeth had a white piece of paper in it.He said aloud,”guys there’s something in Macbeth’s left hand.”They all came close to investigate,and realised she’d wrote a note that read.It’s painful for me to have to leave you guys this way,there’s nothing any of you have done wrong to me.I just felt my time was now.I couldn’t ever picture a life without Yung-Lee,the thought of knowing he’s left me behind really did break my heart.It might come as a shock to you,but Yung-Lee and myself were in a relationship.We decided it rather best to keep it a secret from all of you,until the day our baby would be born.I was 1 month pregnant with his child,and decided I’d make him the happiest man by telling him that I’m pregnant after our last job was done.Unfortunately he died so soon not knowing that am pregnant.I hate myself for not telling him in time,but everything is fine now,because am with him in heaven right now.He says he will miss you guys greatly,we both will miss you guys.I hope none of you guys will rob or ever use a gun in your entire lives.As for my share of the money,i want you to hand it all over to charity.Love You All-Macbeth.

Instead of China,Yung-Lee’s family chose to rather bury him in South Africa,right next to Macbeth after they were told about his love affair with her.The funeral was packed with many Chinese.natives from Yung-Lee’s side.Macbeth on the other hand had 6 of her last standing family membersat the funeral.The guys were dressed in same colour suits and Thandeka also in the same colour,just more in a woman’s garment.2 weeks down the line,the last 6 team members had decided to meet at a quiet crossroads intersection for their final Goodbyes.They all stood in a circle with their cars parked right round them so they were in the centre,except Chilli Bite who loved his superbike that was parked in the centre of all the cars.

“The journey finally comes to an end,”said Bra G.”Even though it’s only 6 of us left,we shall live to the fullest for those who’ve passed on,”Said Gigabyte with his new Jamaican hat on.”Maby we should name this crossroad Yung-Mac,”said Sporo.”Yung for Yung-Lee and Mac for Macbeth.”The whole team laughed with joy,even Sporo himself. TheChilli Bite stuck his hand out to the centre of the guys,in a gesture to say let”s all put our right hands ontop of each other.Which they all did one by one until the last,then Chilli Bite said,”This is to THE FAMILY,”and they all said in Unison,”To The family,”as 2 of the most breathtaking doves,flew away into the sky

The End

Stay on the lookout for the next Action,Love Thriller by your only one and favourite B.Moyo